Weekly Cheat Sheet: Health and Wellbeing Habits



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Hello and happy Monday! Yes am struggling a bit today. I had a busy weekend as my son had an end of season party at the rugby club, and yesterday we went to my nieces birthday party, and Henry my son has been unwell, and idea for my cheat sheet on my other blog site: The Parenting Adventures Tips and Tricks and will be posting that one after I have sent sites weekly sheet.

These are completely free to download. I upload these every week so please check it out and share. If you’d like to be notified of my blogs on this site then please subscribe.

Many thanks for reading

Carrie X

New Video for my Life Coaching Programme, sharing about How I Manage my time Realistically



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Hello! So I hope you are enjoyed my previous video that is on my Educational Youtube channel, and please subscribe as it helps grow my content and this weeks video is all about How I Realistically Manage my time.

In the mornings I set my alarm for 5:30am but at the moment been getting up at 5am, but this morning I went back to bed, not to sleep but to give myself time to drink my cup of tea and a friend of mine always likes to read in the mornings.

When I used to go running and didn’t feel like it, I would put on a motivation video on or a song on. Now though I use it to edit a book I am trying to finish and do some of my Life Coaching course I am doing, and watch a bit of Youtube, before others are awake.

I give myself free choice time and mark it in my calendar and do whatever I choose, so be realistic and manage your days without putting on too much pressure on yourself.

If you’d like to be kept up to date with my Youtube channel and my blogs then please subscribe.

I will be blogging and creating videos each week.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Life Coaching Programme “Summer Project 2024” Staying indoors all the time



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Photo by Ivan Samkov on Pexels.com

If you feel like your life isn’t going anywhere and feeling unaccomplished, then I am sure you may have heard others say to you, “Staying in four walls isn’t going to help”. This was my advise, but now I have changed my mind, because it is feels good when you don’t have to go anywhere sometimes and sort out the home instead. I like fresh air, going for walks and visiting different places and planning walks that I can do when my son, when he is off for the summer holidays, and just have that time together with no plan but just venturing out and taking in my surroundings. This can be such good fun. Having someone who you can share moments with like walking or going on holiday, making it a regular thing, can really boost your mind and energy.

As a child we used to go camping down a friends land they had and sit around the bonfire, and playing games, visiting a lovely country pub that had a jukebox and billiard table, or go to the races. I loved it.

Now though I do like to spend some days in, to catch up on doing some sorting out and pottering around.

It depends on the circumstances, of course if you have an illness then getting out can be hard, so spend sometime visiting someone who is stuck at home because of an illness then however much it may upset you, seeing you can really mean a lot, even if it is for half an hour or so. I remember when my nan could not go out, and was bed ridden, and spending time with her, meant the world to me, but I also miss those times we spent time walking outdoors. We would spend time at a local market, going to the betting shop and would take a trip to Heathrow to see the planes take off and land but then going back to her flat, we would play card games or a board game, and enjoy some TV quiz shows and soaps.

I loved my nan to bits and she looked after me as a kid, so I saw it as its my turn to help her. My grandparents were a massive part of my life. If you feel stuck not seeing anybody, then there are organisations where you can befriend someone, and I have spoken about this before but can really be rewarding and helps you get out of the house, when you don’t want to be indoors.

It is balance and doing what is going to make you want to get up and have a day where you not have in a rush and just having a nice cup at home, doing some laundry and cleaning can then stir us to then go outside. If I want a No Spend day, check out my youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@financiallivingI find stopping in some days helps with that, and yes can online shop but make sure I have tasks each day to do at home so I don’t get bored and buy something online. I like to use the treadmill to help make sure I get exercise each day, and do indoor workouts with my dumbells and exercise mat.

I hope this blog helps you and remember to subscribe if you want to be kept up to date with my blog and projects and will be back next with a blog too, and will be making more videos on my Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@CarrieEducationalYoutube-ws4xp

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Cheat Sheet: Give Yourself Time and Space



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Hello and welcome! This is my blog everyone can build a castle and I post about Habits, Goal setting and managing life.

This year I wanted to, each week post a Cheat Sheet with tips of building your life and have a better wellbeing.

This weeks is about Give Yourself Time and Space.

This can be having an Afternoon Nap, as listed and the other thing not on the list, is having a spa night or a pampering night, anything that makes you feel relaxed and calm each day, rather than rushing and not having time to brush your hair or take a shower.

I like to have time in the morning of having a cup of tea and work on my book I am trying to complete, and have time to grab a coffee.

These printables are free to download and keep, and if you subscribe then you will be alerted each week of my posts and won’t miss out.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Video Source Introducing my New Education Youtube channel. My first video for My Life Coaching programme “Summer Project 2024”



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So if you have missed my blogs that I have written on this site, for my Life Coaching programme then check these two out to go back. My Life Coaching Programme “Summer Project 2024” helping you have a better year and a better life is coming at the start of May 2024 and Life Coaching blog “Summer Project 2024” Improve your life by follow positive habits

I have now created a video to talk about and is no my Educational Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@CarrieEducationalYoutube-ws4xp

These videos will go out every week and a completely free to watch and if there are topics you’d like me to write about then please let me know, just leave a comment below.

Please check out my Pinterest board:

I also have a twitter, Facebook and Instagram platform too, where I will posting for it.



Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Life Coaching blog “Summer Project 2024” Improve your life by follow positive habits



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Life can take many routes and before you know you see doom and gloom. There is no point getting up because soon enough it will be time to get back in bed, and the days are just fading away. This can lead us feeling that we are no good to the world, that we have nowhere to go and slip further down and that there is no use in living, as this is all you have to look forward to.

Planning your life: Create a plan for yourself, like if you have wanted to write a book, like I did then create a writing plan and do a bit a day or if your house is cluttered, create a plan to declutter one area a day and time yourself.

Feeling unaccomplished: Write down all the things you would like to accomplish, and start with home, then work and then play. By doing this you will see, that these are actually goals you’ve as often we think goals are running 5k in the morning, which is fine, but breaking it down makes it easier to accomplish and not piling to much pressure on yourself. As yourself, what you want your life to look like? Check out the printable I created for you: My Life Coaching Programme “Summer Project 2024” helping you have a better year and a better life is coming at the start of May 2024

Find your word: My word last year was Build because that is what I wanted last year, and build my content, build the relationship with my son and others, and build my knowledge and so did some courses to help with that, as I have had mental health issues and wanted to help others who may have had mental health problems and reach out. This year is it grow, which some may say is the same thing as build, for me building I think about bricks and grow I think about a seed. For me I needed to build my life up to make room for growth, and has helped me create projects like this one and I wrote a daily blog which I shared on my daily blog: https://mydailythougthsandfeelings.blogspot.com/2024/04/learningbuilding-your-knowledge-and.html

Making choices: Do you want to feel low about yourself all your life? When I read a book by Paul McKenna it asked this question and made me think, no I don’t. I need to get out of the bed, and get dressed, not wasting my life lying hear feeling sorry for myself. So address, using my work book, of what areas of your life you are not happy with and make the choice, to be happy or not to be happy.

Reduce your consumption of negativity: I try to avoid watching things on TV that are overly violent, or has a lot of blood in, as it can affect me. As a kid I avoided horror films because it would effect my sleep and so now I will listen to true stories, but it depends on what it is and selective on what I consume online. Now I do that, I feel better and the same with certain music.

I love my life now. It has taken a lot for me to feel this way and we all deserve to feel like this. I hope you find these tips help you and remember to check out my Pinterest and social media platforms as I have content on there too, for this years Summer Project Programme.

I have filmed a video sharing my printable, I created, https://youtu.be/-E2LmAU0xBg and will be creating videos to go up on my New Educational Youtube channel: CarrieEducationalYoutube-ws4xp

Link for my Pinterest:

Social media:



Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Cheat Sheet: Beginning of the week



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Happy Monday to you, I hope it is going well for you so far, and I have created my cheat sheets and it is all about Beginning of the week.

Remember on the 1st May 2024, so this Wednesday is the beginning my Life Coaching Programme Summer Project 2024. Check out this video: https://youtu.be/-E2LmAU0xBg

These Cheat sheets are free to download and keep and share too. I also do a Cheat Sheet for my other blog site: https://theparentingadventurestipsandtricks.wordpress.com

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

No Spending January 2024



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Check out my first video, check out my blogs from last year, No Spend January 2023 first video, Update on my No Spending January 2023 Update of my No Spend January video 2023 where I shared my Youtube videos and check out my first video for this year on Channel My way of living: https://youtu.be/0aQQooZ3O1U

Photo by RDNE Stock project on Pexels.com

Last year it really made me look at where my money was going, and did a yearly budget which I have started to do this year, and it helped me manage my money effectively, and that bought me results. I spent time avoiding things like my bank account knowing that it could go down to zero and asked do I want this to be the rest of my life? Do I want die being in debt? If I want to go on a holiday, buy new clothes or notebooks and put money beside for my son, I needed to change my habits and so doing No Spend was so rewarding. I now check my bank account everyday and do a spending plan each week and month and just by making these changes in your life, like prioritizing on what is truly important to you, can grow your money for it to go further.

This year I decided to do No Spend because I want this year to be the end of debt and now setting in place a strategy by giving myself a monthly allowance to buy whatever I want and the same online, and this helps stop and save on many things and limited how much I wish to spend on the things I want and measure the need for an item, when using my allowances.

I have decided to pay off my credit card debt by August this year and this will be free up space to save and build my income. Rather than spending money on courses, I having been doing some that are free and complete the ones I have paid for and make my spending useful, by donating money or food each month to a foodbank, whenever I go to the newsagents use the change to donate to their charity box, and now I pay my son a pound for when he reads his book, so he can build his pocket money, and have him pay for the things he wants.

My son needs to learn about money and buying things for himself, and it has been very effective, as he is at the age to understand and I learned this from when I was a child. I the other day went through my stuff in my plastic draw unit in Wimbledon, as I travel and spend time in Epsom and Wimbledon each week, and found more notebooks still not used, and has stopped me from buying any more, and use what I have already got.

I am realising that I can save by shopping in my own wardrobe and room, and see that I have enough of what I need and its not about quantity but quality, and if its going to be beneficial to me in the long run.

To track my money I use a spreadsheet for myself on Excel and using it to see where my money is going towards and if I need to change my budget in some areas and cut down, like food shopping and perhaps being a bit too tight about it.

It has helped me to see what I enjoy, like meeting my mum for lunch, or going to a coffee shop and write and not stuck in doors, or going for a walk which is free exercise and buy a coffee whilst I enjoy a walk and can shop now without buying.

So, I challenge you to do No Spend January when it comes around again, and begin like I did at first have No Spend days and set a budget for each area of your life to invest in the things you love.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

April Newsletter 2024



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Yes it is that time again! If you don’t know I write a newsletter each month, which is free to view and download and talk about my content and things coming up, and next week on the 1st May I will be starting my Life Coaching programme “Summer Project 2024” and we are heading towards a few bank holidays and so been sharing what I will be doing and give tips on what to do, and did film a video on my channel my way of living talking about it too: https://youtube.com/@mywayofliving1602?si=CsU3pkVb4cKPzu2n

So here it is and hope you enjoy it.

It is good to see I am receiving likes to my passed blogs on this site and please check out my Pinterest as there are are more blogs and videos on their to my various blog sites and youtube channels: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/thetypicalLondongal/

Many thanks for reading

Carrie X

My Life Coaching Programme “Summer Project 2024” helping you have a better year and a better life is coming at the start of May 2024



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Hi all! If you are new then welcome. Each year I do a life coaching programme, helping you have a better life and a better year, and because I have had really good feedback from the previous blogs and videos I have posted for this programme on this site, wanted to continue, and on social media too. It starts from May to August, and so to help kick off, I have created a printable and workbook free for you and there will be more to come.

There is no pressure just to help go through the parts in your life that you want to grow and sort out.

So, if you want to be alerted of my posts and videos on this programme, and tools and resources I will be posting, then please subscribe.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Weekly Cheat Sheet: Save yourself time



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It is Monday! Time to start the week and thought this Cheat Sheet will you save yourself time.

I hope it helps you, and my Life Coaching programme Summer Project 2024 is on its way and so will be posting the workbook printable which is free, like these Cheat Sheets and there will blogs and videos on my new Educational Youtube channel, which I will also post on here so lets get ready for the week ahead.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Believe in your own mind by making changes to your lifestyle



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I am a typical Libra as I can be super decisive and weigh things up, a lot.

I often will let someone else decide and it drives me insane, and often the person.

Photo by Tara Winstead on Pexels.com

I have learned to trust myself which is helping me believe in my own mind, and journaling and learning from others. Following good habits like seeing I can be organized, tidy and letting things go, and trying to change my hoarding and be ruthless and prioritizing.

Yes still a long way to go, when it comes to not hoarding, yet I have reined myself in and realising that I can save and not buy anything else, until I go through clothes that I still not worn or toiletries and beauty and stationary. I write a blog called Carries Versatile Fashion, and have Youtube channel where I talk about managing my money, and using what I have got, before buying anything else (https://www.youtube.com/@mywayofliving1602) . I enjoy building my wardrobe, having plenty of shower gels and make up, but if they are taking up too much space then, I know I need to use or let go. I know in my mind I can do that.

I believe that I can write a book and publish it. I can look after my body and mind, by exercising, but doing less to achieve more. Being kind to myself, by not criticizing myself all the time. Not giving myself a hard time If I make a mistake or when there are daily challenges, like yesterday I got caught out in the rain, still enjoyed the walk I like to do and achieved my tasks for the day.

It can be an event that can influence your thoughts, like when Princess Diana died it made me get off my arse and do something useful and made me see that you can’t waste life. Life changes come with changes to your own thoughts with yourself and others. I know if I just sit in front of my laptop for too long, loose concentration and get restless, and taking a break can influence your mind, and noticing your thoughts to rest and do something else. The mind likes variety not doing the same thing all of the time, and mixing it up so you feel good each day and now I write in my journal on my phone everyday on my thoughts and feelings and in my notebook journal, where I write about what has made me happy each day.

This helps believe my own mind and trust my instincts. I was working on my Life Coaching course and some of what the course covers is self doubt, and how you need self doubt to overcome it, like when I write a blog I often think “Should I post it or not?” but this stirs me on to get it done and part of building a blog is to write it and learn from each post, what type of audience do I want to get in touch with on my blog and how they respond to it, making sure it isn’t offensive, but real life.

I believe in my mind in a way that I reduce worrying. At one point I would live by my worrying and it can be so draining. I know for my mind to function well to eliminate feelings of worry, by taking action. Like I feel anxious about getting my son ready for school, so I will get up early now, to do a bit of work on the computer as at the moment he will sleep on passed 5am now, but after 6am and do his breakfast or his dad will, and not rushing around, but give myself enough time to look after myself in the morning to help get my son ready for school, and plan each day, so things get done and not playing catch up that can cause me to worry.

In the evenings I will make sure that I not on my laptop too late and listen to my mind when it gets tired and being on my laptop in the evenings would make my mind active again and would struggle in getting to sleep that would affect my mind the next day and so will read, get myself and my son ready for bed and will do stories and I sleep better than I have ever done. I do take medication to help too, but lowering my mental activity on my phone and laptop in the evenings, has helped too.

I do write a daily blog so if you’d like to check it out then please do, here is a link: My Daily Thoughts and feelings (mydailythougthsandfeelings.blogspot.com)

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Weekly Cheat Sheet: Getting back from the Holidays



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Hello and welcome to Everyone can build a castle. This is my weekly Cheat Sheet that I post every Monday and this one is all about Getting back from the Holidays. I also posted this on my blog site: The Parenting Adventures tips and tricks.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Weekly Cheat Sheet: Getting a good nights sleep



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It is half term and last night was kept awake as my son wanted to chatter all night.

I thought this weeks cheat sheet could be tips on Getting a good nights sleep.

It is completely free.

Many thanks for reading

Carrie X

Being lazy does it have a purpose?



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The idea of this blog, was this morning when I woke up around 4am and for the first time since I begun getting up between 4:30am to 5am, wondering about going back to bed, but I find when I sleep on I feel more tired.

I am like this new habit, of waking up early, check out my blog I’ve become an early bird But that little voice was like “Are you sure?” and responded in my head “Yes”.

Photo by Alena Shekhovtcova on Pexels.com

Well I have had psychosis and so hearing voices isn’t new, but no its that critic that comes from the brain, that everyone has, and tests you and annoys you. There are people who can block this out, because we look at our beds, as if we may not return, but it has really changed my habits, and making progress of building a life I love and enjoy each day, no matter what the day brings.

As a kid I was a terrible sleeper, but due to my body clock, I would still wake up early and my idea of lying in, didn’t happen. I got to the point where I would worry about not getting a good nights sleep and it had bad affects and I understand now why many successful people go to bed at the same time every night and wake up, at the same time.

I am sleeping so well and my son now is started to sleep in. This may change, as having children, they can be unpredictable, since 2 months old (now he is 10) wakes up early, but this week he has slept on. This morning he woke up around 6:45am which is late for him.

There was a time I’d have lazy days, and staying in bed all day, not gotten dressed and I know people who still love doing that and that is okay, and part of me misses those times, so perhaps start having these days again, but at the moment like being active and getting up with a nice cup of tea getting some writing done. Not saying I wouldn’t do it again, but now and then, watching some movies with popcorn, homemade pizzas and a drink of choice. Or have a sort out wearing slacks. Catching up on cleaning tasks and still have a shower but put on some nice PJ’s and still feel like you have still kind of, made an effort.

A lady called Mel Robbins, is to do nothing and just rest. Jordan Page, talks about taking naps and there was a time when working at a Holiday Camp where I would nap in the day but when I did I would feel groggy and be confused with the time of the day, so I don’t nap. My brother can easily sit on the sofa and snooze like my husband, and in the mornings it would take me ages to wake and be lazy watching TV on the sofa and found it hard to kick start my day.

So being lazy can help with recharging batteries and it is good to just take a break from whatever you feel you need a break from and get back on the road and carry on once refreshened. Listen to the body. Our body are machines and it is important that we look after it. We are not here to be on the go all of the time, but take on experiences, where you can take a breath and feel the air coming into the body and out. We need to watch that TV series or read a book, or meditate. So I will still be lazy when I feel I need to do nothing and switch off as I do find that hard to do, and just live, be happy and take it step by step.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Weekly Cheat Sheet: Planning for the Summer



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Yes it is officially Summer here in the UK as the clocks move forward and so here are some tips on planning for the summer.

I hope you have had a good easter so far, my mum is hosting an Easter Egg hunt today, so spending time with family and I will be planning activities and trips to different places for the holidays and will be posting more and I do film vlogs. Please check out my Youtube channel: Typical London gal: https://www.youtube.com/@typicallondongal

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Putting Yourself First



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How many of us struggle with that, Putting yourself first?

We feel guilty when our kids want us to play but we want to catch up on resting as you come home from work or been doing chores, and want a nice hot bath or shower.

Photo by Vlada Karpovich on Pexels.com

You need that time, and today as it is Easter Sunday going to have a day indoors which is something I do often, and get ready for the week and adjusting to the time, as the clocks went forward last night and set a day or time for yourself in the day or week and develop or buy a “Do not disturb” sign on the door.

My son and my husband are going to get their hair cut and I am going to take a bath, do a bit of sorting out and continue to plan for the week, do a walk on the treadmill and read. I want to go through my finances and I have already worked on my book this morning, and continue filming a vlog, and having that time just helps me to get myself in shape to get more bits done and take my time.

Why do we rush around? Because we haven’t allowed ourself time to fully wake up, we have no plan for the day and accept that we are that kind of person that is always late, yet if you allow yourself to wake up by having that time for your first cup of tea in the Morning, planning for the day and say I can be on time and late just adds stress and panic. Do you want to keep getting stressed or have peace?

I am not saying I have never been late, because relying on public transport not easy now I stay in two different places, pre plan, by checking the timetables of the train and bus, and print off a map and if I can walk I will, and I will leave extra early.

Do what it takes for your life to be easier, as stress can have health implications, and so it is important to help your wellbeing aswell as others, and so now it is Easter and your not having to do the school run have your kids help with chores and their care, depending on the age, and have that time to do what ever helps you to have a stress free day.

Sorting stuff out. This may sound counterproductive but no. It can be a lower level task, with some music or audiobook sitting down and clear out a bag or a draw, just pottering around, which is one of my favourite things. I am going to sort out the closet in the guest bedroom. Doing a sort out can really make a huge difference to our feelings and emotions, because we can easily procrastinate and put it off, but just builds and builds. I feel weighed down by stuff and have changed my hoarding habit as if you think it is unnecessary spending, check this video out where I talk about this https://youtu.be/UfiHwsm71F8, to wanting minimal, and do my bit to reduce waste.

I wrote a blog yesterday on my blogsite, Organize4thebetter https://organize4thebetter.blogspot.com/2024/03/ten-ways-i-organize-my-life.html

I also like to go to a coffee shop to do some writing, on some days when my son is at school or go and get bits of shopping. I like creating ideas for dinner as this is my favourite meal of the day and like time when it is me cooking dinner, spend time listening to music and sing, or an audiobook. My step dad does this when he is cooking, and I am lucky because when I am in Wimbledon, where I live, I rarely have to do the cooking. I will help with washing up instead and tiding my bedroom there too and this week when I am there, going to be sorting this out more too, and yes I will film it. Check out Vlog channel: https://www.youtube.com/@typicallondongal

So just take that time and enjoy the Easter Holidays and if you’d like to be notified when I post a blog on here, then click subscribe and you will, and please check out my Pinterest where I post my content along with my Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

Link for my


Social media:




Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

I’ve become a early bird and feel revitalized



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I hope you are having a good week, and if you didn’t know I am a mum and a writer and I do a yearly Life Coaching programme, and it is the Summer Project and is to help you have a better life and better year, and will write and create blogs and videos and is completely free and will begin from the first of May to August 2024. So more information to come.

Photo by Miriam Alonso on Pexels.com

So I now have changed my habit in the morning that I get up between 4 and 5am in the morning and it was a goal I actually made, because I knew it would help me, when I did for a while, but started to struggle to do so, and it just happened. It was last week when I didn’t sleep well, and woke up at 4:30am fully awake and ready for the day and had energy like I have never known it.

It is funny because I am not a morning person and not sure if this my life now getting up so early and before then, my son would be getting me out of bed even when my alarm went off would have to have 5 extra minutes to gather myself to get up. Now though feel like I have finally got my sleep under control and getting more done, exercised and feel so elated by this new habit.

I have been writing about it in my daily blog I write: https://mydailythougthsandfeelings.blogspot.com/

This is not to make anyone feel bad, because it is what suits you, but to show that your life can work out to how you wish it to be and can happen naturally, and so yes wanted to share because we feel we have to force ourselves to develop new habits, when they can just happen.

Grab your reins and pull yourself back.

There have been times when I have had to grab my reins to stop myself in going full steam ahead and get burn out but now since last week, I have not rushed, which has lead me to feel less stressed and got control of my anxiety and anxiousness. Before, when getting up later would find time speeding ahead and trying to complete my tasks each day to then come crashing down, and feel totally exhausted.

Who can relate to that?

Let go of the pressure and let your life lead you, and stop feeling that we have to be in control of our lives all of the time and not allow life to take its course.

Stop trying to meet others expectations of you.

Take your time.

Listen to your body.

Then honestly before you know you will be living the life you want and be the person you want, develop natural habits that makes your life better than ever, and achieve your goals and to do’s, have time for your kids and more time for you, to have down time and one of Mel Robbins tips is to do have time doing nothing, and the other habit I have started is to journal and write down what I have been happy about each day.

So live and grow, and lets support each other to grow and make love as happy as possible.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Getting ready for the week ahead



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So it is Monday once again and it means getting set up for the week. If you didn’t know I have a daily blog site if you’d like to check it out:

My Daily Thoughts and feelings (mydailythougthsandfeelings.blogspot.com)

I set up my week by using my diary, One Note and my Journal, and like to plan my writing and editing of my books using my Filofax, get a vlog edited (my vlogging channel is: https://www.youtube.com/@typicallondongal

I plan the video for my other Youtube channel, which is all about How I like to manage my money, to help give tips in the relationships I have had financially and giving tips on spending and saving. Check out here: https://www.youtube.com/@mywayofliving1602

Setting up for the week, making sure I check what appointments I have. This morning I went through the fridge to go through the food for the week and when the food in the fridge have got to be used by, so nothing goes to waste and exercise and making sure I take breaks and spend time with my son when he comes home and managing and working on many different projects, helps to be in the right mindset, avoiding procrastination and missing anything that has to be done, which is top priority.

Please check out my new Cheat sheet for the week which is about Planning your week:

I plan what clothes I am going to wear and make sure I do some self care, like my skincare, shower or bath and winding down for the evening with a good book.

So I hope you find these tips helpful and I also post my cheat sheets at the beginning of the week are posted to my blog site: The parenting adventures | Easy Flexible Parenting (wordpress.com)

There is more posts to come and at the weekend started to plan more for my Life Coaching programme I do every year and started two years ago and did get real good feedback and help you have a better life and a better year, and grow each year.

So if you’d like to be kept up to date on my content here on this blog then please subscribe as it really helps me continue to build this blog site and help others have a happy and positive life. Check these platforms for more of my content, and can follow me on these too, along with other blog sites.

Link for my Pinterest:

Social media:



Also write books, so if you’d like to check these out also then go to my Pinterest site and look under My Books and are available from there.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

I just needed my coffee



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So today I plan to go up to London, and as always my inner critic is like, what if there is a problem with the trains as I looked there was, but was the wrong train. Now have my coffee and feel that is all I needed to ignore that inner voice. I am going to as I get up there going to write my notes for my Youtube channel: My Way of Living.

Photo by Chevanon Photography on Pexels.com

I was going to go by bus, but means catching three buses and didn’t feel like it, but going to travel back by bus. As I vision myself travelling to London, come the thoughts of what if I run out of battery on my phone as I like to listen to something whilst travelling, but I am taking a book and now I have my coffee getting rid of the negative voice in my head, to listen to my positive voice.

I am meeting my mum for lunch and sent her a message after realizing that I was looking at the wrong train and going to be go through some forms, to apply for my son to do an after school club at his school and one is to sort out my income. I like travelling to London, and know its my anxiety talking and know that its just protecting me and I am letting it control me, rather than me controlling it.

That inner voice when I think about it is like a barrier coming down and need to say “Hey, don’t put that barrier in front of me, I know what is out there that can happen and not go as planned but what if it goes okay? and get the things I need to do, done?”

So, I am going to not allow my negative thoughts gain control and enjoy my day, and as I am writing and finishing this blog listening to a Mel Robbins Podcast, and it things like that, that I enjoy that helps me think positively: https://www.melrobbins.com/podcast

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

March Newsletter 2024 Getting ready for Easter and what is coming up in my content



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Hi yes it is that time again. My Monthly newsletter. I post it on this site each month of special dates and seasons and keeping you up to date with my content and what is coming up as we now are in Spring.

There are ideas of good food to make for the Easter Season and places to go, and planning for Easter and good activities you can do.

Please let me know of what you’d like me to feature in my newsletters and you can keep up to date with all my blogs and content by subscribing.

Have a great rest of the week.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Weekly Cheat Sheet: Tips if you feel overwhelmed



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Hello, yes it is a Monday again, I can’t believe that it was last week we had travelled from to and from Bognor Regis and met up with friends. It was so good to get away and not think about to do lists, and just be.

This Cheat Sheet is all about what to do when you feel overwhelmed. These Cheat Sheets are completely free and please share.

I will be sharing this on my other site The Parenting Adventures Tips and Tricks too, because as parents we can get overwhelmed and just need that time out to recharge our batteries and lift our mood and our feelings so we can just have time to ourself and not everything has to be landed on your shoulders but shared.

Please if you’d like to be notified of my blogs on this site and my parenting site, linked above then please subscribe.

Have a great week.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Turning my feelings around and being happy with your life and yourself



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My life has not been pain sailing, like us all, there has been ups and downs and when my mum or dad told me off I would be like, it was the end of the world and that I am right and they’re wrong, and so unfair, and would envy my brother, because he is super confident, and girls running after him, whilst I sat on a bench at school by myself.

Photo by Efe Ersoy on Pexels.com

I have had to really work on my self. I could get jealous, bitter and self centered, like “How have they earned that?”, “Oh they are showing off and trying to be super popular”, or like when I was a primary school, a girl named Sherie, was so popular and all the boys fancied her, and everyone wanted her company and be friends with her. I felt ugly and envious, that I will never be her, like I wished to be.

My mental health took a turned for the worst, and battled with my feelings for a long time. There were times when I didn’t get out of bed, and would stay in, and now I have been discharged from the Mental Health hospital, so proud of myself that I got through my fight with my mental health and not allowing my inner critic to hold me back and stop feeling that I haven’t had a exciting life compared to others, and that the world is against me.

Here are some questions to ask,

Who do you want to be?

Do you feel unworthy and that you’ll never be as good as someone in your life?

Do you feel that noone understands you?

Writing a journal, can really help address your feelings and what is it that is really bothering you?

For me it was, well if I look like that, like Sherie, then I will be as popular and the kids would want to hang with me, but that wasn’t the case and started to form friends as I gradually went through school, but it took a long time, and would have fights and arguments and was bullied. In the end I was well respected at Primary school. It took the last year to experience that, but that I had come so far, and then wanted to start a fresh beginning, at secondary school.

The feelings didn’t disappear, and got stronger. I now look back it was once again that I wasn’t fitting in, and was told by a girl that I was boring, because I was a fan of a TV show The Bill, and would talk about it a lot, and took it, and glad for her honesty and yes it hurt my feelings, but then she wasn’t perfect and would get on people’s nerves, yet we did have fun together, so I let it go.

With those group of friends, they would be into wrestling and one of my friends did canoeing, and shared our love of music. They were the ones who got me into following a rugby team and when I felt like I couldn’t buy chips in McDonalds they got them for me, and introduced me to rock music and went to concerts together, and made friends at my dancing school, and my confidence began to increase.

I have been unkind, and blocked people, because I was feeling excluded and it really was affecting me, because felt it was a personal attack. Now though I glad that they have done well in their life and now in jobs that are high powered, and looking after themselves.

Our negative feelings can rub off on others. I have been with people who would constantly be complaining. I am lucky for having the people around me that keep the roof over my head and support me in looking after my son, and at the weekend I met up with friends who I met when I was working at a holiday camp, and felt so privileged to be in their company as we had a good catch up, and that we all, trying to build our lives and be happy. I can be awkward and shy still but when you meet people, and makes you feel that you’ve never been apart, the fear instantly goes, your inner critic gets pushed away making you feel that you are worthy and people love you, and stop putting your guard up, and not allow your fears get the better of you, but make you grow and be the person you wished to be, and telling people that you love them, can help you and them. There are a lot of people I love, because they have been a huge importance to my life, and been a great influence. I am kind, I will be on time, and I will make the effort.

When you have been through trauma, it can make you angry, and “Why me?”, “What have I done to deserve it?” and often its nothing, its life, it can be unpredictable. Noone knows what is around the corner for us, and so, talking about growing our happiness, ask yourself, do you want to be unhappy all through your life? I have had to rebuild, and make sense of situations, but often there isn’t an answer. I no longer want my inner critic stop me from going swimming and going for walks, from spending time with my son, and go for opportunities, that can open many doors for me. I no longer want to be counting calories, and worrying about my weight. If biscuits are going to make me feel guilty, then I am not going to eat them, if someone doesn’t say thank you when you open the door for them, because what’s the point, they don’t care and not allow me to have a bad day, but continue to be kind and not allow their ignorance to rub off.

So lets all work together in building and growing our lives, its never too late to be happy and grow your feelings, to feel better about yourself. I do write a blog where I talk about building confidence. Check it out via this link: https://buildingselfconfidencetud.blogspot.com/

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Weekly Cheat Sheet: What to Take Away From Each week



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First of all welcome new subscribers, it really means the world to me. I now back writing daily blogs, and so check out this post I wrote today. https://mydailythougthsandfeelings.blogspot.com/

In this Cheat Sheet, which I free to print and download, I am sharing tips on What to take away From Each week:

Get the most of each day and invest in yourself.

I hope you are finding these Cheat Sheets help. Subscribe to be alerted everytime I post a blog and check out my Youtube channels for more content and on Pinterest too:





Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Trying to be like somebody else



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This is a lyric from an Adele song, “I Drink Wine” and from watching a video about That Girl, I for a long time would copy friends because I felt well they’re doing that and feel to meet my own high expectation of myself, had to be like that too.

Photo by MART PRODUCTION on Pexels.com

Be yourself. Wear clothes that represent you. Cook meals that you like and find your own style. I love clothes and I enjoy putting outfits together, check out my blog carries versatile fashion and getting the most out of them, and yes I do save pins on Pinterest on Fashion, https://www.pinterest.co.uk/thetypicalLondongal/ because I like different looks but that I know I am wearing that outfit because it actually suits me, and not feel I have to wear an outfit to impress someone else.

That’s not me.

I like to put my own stamp on looks that I like and styles that suit me and having fun with clothes and not taking it too seriously and feel free as a bird now when it comes to my self image. I write a blog called Building Self Confidence the Ugly Duckling, and talk about how I struggled with not be happy of the way I looked. I remember saying once, when one of my friends commented on my earrings, “Well because you were wearing earrings” and as soon as I said these words, was like “No don’t say that” and couldn’t come back from it and saw them look at each other, like oh really, and the reason why they were friends was because we all had our own style.

They were more confident than me and seemed to be in jobs that were better than mine and had a lot going for them, whilst I felt inadequate, and they were better than me, and knew more people than me. Which now that is not the case.

I have a lot of friends and going to see some this weekend, and no longer feel that I don’t fit or that I have to be like them, but because I love seeing and hanging out with them, because they are different and feel I got to look a certain way for someone else’s approval.

That is not the case. I have had to learn that noone is out to get me and that feel not good enough because my friends are doing better than me in life and in fact using their success to help me to grow and build my life into one that I like, and accept myself at last.

I like admiring other people and I do have a style icon, Jennifer Aniston, and am influenced, but still remembering her clothes suit her because that is her style and that her body shape and appearance is hers and not mine but can use it to try different looks that potentially suit me and I never going to be Jennifer Aniston. She is her own person, and I am mine, so no longer feel pressure that I have to look a certain way.

Let me know what you think. I like feedback so please leave a comment below. I’d like to take this opportunity to say thank you to my subscribers and welcome if you are new here and please subscribe then you will be alerted each time I post.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

New Cheat Sheet: 7 Things you can do in 10 minutes



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Hello it is Monday again and beginning a new week and for me gets me pumped up to start the week on a good note and plan for the week ahead, and there are things you can do that don’t take too much time and if you don’t want to clean in one day or organize, then break it up and here are things you can do under ten minutes. This is from my own personal experience.

Things you use all the time make them assessable and easy reach for you, but not where if you have children they can get to if really young, and teach your children about cleaning and how to use the cleaning products you have and supervised.

So plan your week and on Mondays I like to go through my finances and plan my writing for the week and editing of books and vlogs and for film for my other channels, and this morning had to finish a form to send. I like to plan and go through what exercise I’d like to do each week and started meal planning again and making sure there is no waster and practice affordable living. Please check out my Youtube channel:


Here I talk about how I manage my finances. It is good to set the week up for success and build and grow as I introduce more good habits that help me stay productive and have good quiet breaks through the day and week.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

The Fear of Failure



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I think it is natural to think the worst, because from experience, think if I don’t worry than I worry if things go wrong and that I let the world down, because I wasn’t prepared. Our feelings can be so strong that we fear stepping another foot forward.

Photo by Liza Summer on Pexels.com

Life can be full of setbacks and things we come across that can knock us off, on our path for the life we want, but not allowing these to get us down and gain control so whatever happens we resilient to set backs.

I was working for a Kids Holiday Club a few years ago and it was tough and the day the Team Manager wasn’t there I was left in charge but my anxiety rose and thankfully the other girl, I asked for her to take charge instead. I felt so stupid, and getting excited of the opportunity I had really failed and that I was useless and there was a lot to do and in the end I didn’t continue with it.

To be fare it wasn’t a very good set up because it was two three playworkers with 15 children which wasn’t for health and safety perspective good and thought there would be more playworkers and more structure. A toilet ended up getting flooded, two brothers were fighting non stop and in the end the company stopped running and so I learned that if I do this again, to find out first if there will be more staff and the ratio of children.

Now though thankfully I didn’t allow it to stop me in building my life and take a different direction and would like to work with children in a educational setting and do more training to do so, and to help children with different needs, making sure I have the right support to do so, and stop jumping in with both feet and gradually build my ambitions to continue in following my dreams.

Also I have started to cook different dinners and changing my eating habits as this is a battle. I haven’t have stopped eating crisps all the time and have cut down on eating chocolate and going for the biscuits and so going to set a plan and reflect on your set backs as it can help you to have a better habits and it could be because they are so easy to reach and eating fruit can be boring and have a lot of vegetables and not snack.

I never want to have type 2 diabetes again and have a more balanced diet so have started planning meals again and still have the food I like but no snacking. I have had a eating disorder and so what to stop fighting over my eating habits but have new habits of having healthier breakfasts, nice lunches and dinners.

I am going to have breakfast later as I am not always that hungry in the mornings and continue my habits such making my bed when I get up, get dressed, get my so ready for school and taking my supplements and other medication I have to take and not battle with my eating habits, as it is tiring. Planning is the key and have been very good and continue to exercise to help be fitter and continue going swimming which I have begun to do again and training indoors.

I didn’t realise I had a Journal APP in my phone and been entering it everyday, and fill it in on want it is concerning me and address my feelings. I still like to write, but find it hard to stick too so now I got this APP makes me make sure I use my Journal APP each day, and use what ever to make things simple and easy access. Reading Atomic Habits has really helped me structure my life and not spend so long on one thing, but break it down and use what is easy access.

So as it is Sunday finishing this blog, going to catch up on Youtube and get ready for the new week ahead. I do vlogs so if you’d like to see these check out my Channel via this link: https://www.youtube.com/@typicallondongal

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Dealing with bad luck



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So this week has been testing as my son has had a tummy bug, and just dropped bar of soap down the toilet, but that’s life we will get bad luck, like missing the bus, being late for a appointment when you left with plenty of time, lost something or the item you wanted in the shop has gone.

There are different forms of bad luck and I was scammed last year by an email making it was PayPal and they were going to take a payment and hacked my laptop, not the one I am using now but one I had before and stopped using it. So if you get any emails like that ignore and never give out any personal details, and contact your bank.

Photo by Andres Ayrton on Pexels.com

You may think “This is typical”, “It is always me” but it’s not. Life is full of challenges and can stop you in your tracks. Yet some good things have happened too. Like a new opportunity, which I am not going to share yet but been something I have wanted to do since a kid and love music, and had recruitment meeting about it and after posting a new blog on my site: My Books and Stories, had ten likes already: https://mybooksandstories.wordpress.com/2024/02/28/develop-stories-to-create-a-book/

Being a parent (check out my, The Parenting Adventures tips and trick), kids will get sick and it was only a small bar or soap and so all I need to do is replace it and made sure Henry is washed and seen a doctor and now on the mend, and for me I feel it is a message to not worry that I haven’t filmed for my Youtube channel or sorted out cupboard upstairs, family comes first and focus on helping my son get better and that its time you slowed down and stop doing 25 things at one time and slow down for your health and wellbeing.

We put some much on our shoulders that we feel bogged down and where we can be like “What’s the point”, but everytime you do that, the more your wellbeing will be affected by not taking action to look after ourselves.

A car needs to stop so you don’t run out of petrol and we can run out of energy because we blame ourselves for bad luck when it is part of life and not allow it to control you, but learn from it to help prevent bad luck. Like putting the soap in a soap dish and when we make sure our kids rest to get over sickness, that you rest too and take care that it not passed on to you and forget emails. with my son being off from school have been spending time cuddling and doing all we can to help each other, and our kids wash their hands and not kissing but just spending time together to get back to normality and he can go back to school and I can get shopping or do other errands and jobs on my tasks list and clean to prevent sickness and infections. Then following the doctors advise and what it states to do online to help get back from sickness.

So never allow bad luck get to you down and share what you do to handle bad luck and tips. You can leave a comment below.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Monthly Newsletter February 2024



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So it is that time, my Newsletter and this month I share, about taking a break, about Easter and how I normally celebrate it each year and ideas of gifts for Mothers day, which in the UK is the 10th March and so I hope you like this edition and if you like my newsletters then to be kept up to date on my projects and content then please subscribe.

These can be downloaded for free not cost, and there is more content to come. If you didn’t know I have three Youtube channels and check out my Pinterest:




Many thanks for reading

Carrie X

Getting back from a break



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It is Monday again and last week it was my sons half term break and now is back to school, I am back setting my tasks for the week.

This weeks Cheat Sheet is about Getting back from a break as it good to forget to do’s and have fun with your kids, and then getting back to the regular routine once the break is over.

I am back from travelling around London and seeing family, which was fun, but now we have to return to work and start a fresh term, and a new chapter.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

When you need to take a break



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Life doesn’t have to be hard and I have learned to listen to my body and work on different areas of my life and show up. I took a break from my blogs and it has been good, and focus on completing my projects like my next book I want to publish, but yesterday I felt wiped out and something I have been trying to stop, and have had a cut off time to get off of my laptop, and that is to finish using my laptop by 2 or 2:30 each day and it has made a difference, but because I had three free days as my son was at a holiday worked on filming and editing vlogs, working on videos on my other Youtube channel, and my books, had to take an earlier break from the laptop and glad I did.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

Listen to your body and be realistic with planning and include breaks. I take exercise breaks when sitting down for a long period of time, so will get up and move my body, by going out for a walk, or use the treadmill and do a workout on my legs and with my dumbells, and getting my body used to walking long distance again and eventually get back into running. I fill this boosts my energy and did go out early yesterday in the morning, so still got things done.

I needed to be off my screen, and watch some TV and was watching Robbie Williams documentary on Netflix and it was good but was falling a sleep and struggled to keep my eyes open and then took Henry to McDonalds and was a nice change, and would like to do this again with my son.

The other thing I did was tidy my bedroom and filmed a vlog and because my son was going to a holiday club as it is half term and it helps get things done, but getting up early takes its toll and feel better for switching off and going to plan a full week to take a break away from filming and off my laptop, and it is good to have a detox away from devices as it can feel to me tiring and feel I need to just take a break.

I was feeling restless and thought that my son had a inset day at school next Monday and I find out that there isn’t so had to contact the taxi company as my son gets transport to school because of distance and is in a Land school, to so wanted to make sure he gets picked up on Monday, and also I am going to be doing a Level Counselling course and so had to do a test for that.

So if you are tired and restless, have low energy take a break to feel better and look after your mind and body as looking after ourselves is very important.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Weekly Cheat Sheet: Having a Super Sunday



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Hello and welcome if you are new to this site! Each week I post a cheat sheet on this blog and my other one http://theparentingadventurestipsandtricks.com and already posted my one for that site, so please check it out, as the passed weeks I have shared the same one, but this week wanted to be different because it is UK School holiday for a week, and I had a good Sunday yesterday and so want to inspire you have good Sunday doing things you don’t always get around in doing in the week, and having fun with friends and family and recharge before a new week.

Please share and they are completely free to download and print.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

New Weekly Cheat Sheet: Ten Minute Habits



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Hello, it is time to start a new week, and means getting our to do’s written on what you want to accomplish today, and in forming good habits, can help with having a good day and week, so check out this weeks, Cheat Sheet which I post on this channel and parenting channel, https://theparentingadventurestipsandtricks.com

Many thanks for reading, and if you wish to share this sheet and blog then please do. Lets work together to help us to enjoy life and getting out life together.

Carrie X

Making life simple and stop getting overwhelmed in getting your life together



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Hi and welcome to my blog! I am posting every Monday a cheat sheets to help you manage your day and manage your life and my one for today is about Making life Simple and stop betting overwhelmed in getting your life together.

I will be posting this on my Parenting blog site: https://theparentingadventurestipsandtricks.com

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

January Newsletter 2024 Getting Organized



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Hi all I hope you are all well! If you are new then each month I post a newsletter about what is coming within my content, and this year each one will have a theme. January’s one is all about Getting organized and setting plans to get tasks done and I am putting my blogs on hold, but will be posting my weekly cheat sheets and newsletter, and will be back in March 2024, with my normal weekly posts of different topics and working on a new platform for my content, so got some good things to look forward to.

So check out this months newsletter and please give your feedback on my newsletters and on this blog of topics you’d like me to cover. You can leave a comment below:

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Cheat sheet: Taking time out for yourself



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Thank you for you viewing on this blog site. I am now creating weekly Cheat Sheets to help you have a better wellbeing and this one is tips on how to Take time out for yourself.

You can share with others who may not know about my blogsite and find these cheat sheets helpful.

Many thank for reading,

Carrie X

Taking a break



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I have decided to take step back from my blogs, to focus on growing other areas, to share content. This won’t be for a long time, and will sharing my cheat sheets I have created still: Check out my Weekly Cheat Sheet and Weekly Cheat Sheet: Wake up in the morning feeling ready for the day on this blog site and my other blog: https://theparentingadventurestipsandtricks.com and posting my first Newsletter for 2024, but not writing new content, to take break and will be back in March, because I will doing my Yearly Life Coaching Programme, Summer Project 2024, and my Autumn Reset.

I do these years from May through to August and my Autumn Reset from September through to October.

Check out my youtube channels, my other blog sites and my Social Media platform:

















Link for my Pinterest:

Social media:



So I hope you understand and there are plenty of blogs to read, and so I will see you soon x

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Making the right choices in 2024



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You have to make the right choices for you. It means saying no, but finding what is right, and if it doesn’t then that is fine. Saying yes because you feel obliged to, is not making the right choice, because you are not doing it for you and if it is going to stress you out and fill you with dread, then means you have to change it and go down a different path. This doesn’t mean you won’t succeed it just there can be many roads to take to reach the things you want to do in your life.

Photo by Madison Inouye on Pexels.com

If it is not for you, then it is not for you. Not everything is going to workout, and if someone says no to you, then that is okay too. Trust yourself in making the right decision, journal or talk to someone who can help you, and reflect on why on this occasion something has not worked out, or doesn’t feel right.

Dip your toe in. Test it out. Research and try it out. There is no harm in giving things a go, before you make your mind up. I remember when I was first looking for work, just leaving school and was interested in working in fitness, and was offered work experience for the day, to see how it felt and it wasn’t for me at that time and wanted to work in a football club, and was successful, and worked at a local football club as a steward and did work experience too helping the Groundsman and then found my office job whilst doing that in London.

I did some football training, with the Fulham ladies and it was only a few sessions, and made me decide that I wanted to coach, and gain experience. I was a little regretful as my confidence really affected me in going, but I am glad I still gave it a try. Twenty or so years later I did an FA qualification whilst working in a call center and got to manage my own team, and learned from it, so it still taught me a lot and now we are in 2024 going to “Grow” which is my word for this year. It was progression but grow fits better and get another book published, do more training and looking for work outside and continue to grow as a writer, and have a lot of great things planned and it is planning that can help decide on where you want to go next in your life that will boost your feelings and raise your happiness, to not allow times when it didn’t workout, affect you, in following your dreams.

I always wanted to write a book, and as a kid I liked writing, but stopped and now found my love again, in writing and now written 5 books, which are on amazon my most recent being a comedy called Mum&Me. I now am writing three books, a book called When Mothers Are Real and Behind the eyes of the other woman, and Mum&Me book 2, and it was by watching TV that I discovered self publishing, and I really enjoy it, and now looking to work outside, and finish my courses I have enrolled on, to help build my knowledge and understanding of the human mind, and children and young people by educating myself, to help grow my blogs and books, to help you my audience, to find happiness and live a life they love.

Listening to the right people, who can give you the right support you need can make all the difference, and there are many ways to train and learn, without it being too much and if it is affordable. Last year via a careers service received some free training and I want to learn more interventions, to help people and getting to know the mind.

Our minds are constant running machines and it can either work for you or against and want to learn about how to, being a mum for example communicate more affecting to my son who had ADHD and is on the Autism Spectrum. Why we can be positive one minute and down the next.

Reading books about topics you want to learn more about, can be really helpful. I am currently on Audible listening to Atomic Habits and want the physical book, I have read to help me with my writing, Save the Cats Write a Novel and again want the physical book because I felt it helped and continue to learn as a writer, and want to do more writing courses.

So, never stop believing in yourself and trust your gut instinct. If you say no that is fine. It is all about what makes us happy, and lowering the expectation we set for ourselves.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Weekly Cheat Sheet: Wake up in the morning feeling ready for the day



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Hi all, and a new week, and I have been sorting out different areas of my life, like going for a morning walk, took an item to be sent for an Etsy order (I will share this soon, just changing items and want to create new products and got many ideas of what I want to create to help further to help people manage their lives that have helped me), and picked up items I needed for today, batteries for my sons portable CD player and a kinder egg. Not so important but is a reward for Henry if he has had a good day at school and no accident at night time.

So I hope this helps you and kick start your week ahead:

There is more to come.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Getting out of my head in 2024



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Hello and happy new year! It is so good that I have a better laptop because my other one was causing so many problems that it really was making me feel frustrated, but stuck with it and my mum got me a new one and so thankful.

Photo by Yan Krukau on Pexels.com

I no longer set resolutions but life changes, and so I managing my mind to make sure I feel calm and if there are challenges by not dwelling on them. I would over analyse everything and that something must have happened for a reason, and would drive myself mad.

It can be draining, like I was watching a live Instagram post, and typed a comment on the live but when I read it back, it didn’t say what I wanted and so I was like, “I hope he doesn’t think I was being rude”, so now I read back what I have written before posting. How many of you have done that? Or texting to the wrong person, or found your phone calling an emergency number?

I hope it isn’t just me?

So, I learn to reflect and learn from it.

It is changing your thought process, and realise that you are only human. So getting out of my head, journal which always helps me and think okay next time I will make sure I check my text and put my phone on lock so if is accidentally sit on it, its not calling anyone.

If you’d like to share your life changes for 2024 then please leave a comment below.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Check out my Weekly Cheat Sheet



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I am from today going to do a Weekly Cheat Sheet, and will be doing them for this blog and for my parenting blog: https://theparentingadventurestipsandtricks.com

They are to help you plan you week and will this week is from today when we get back to normal after Christmas.

Please let me know of other printables you’d like and hope this helps plan you 2024 goals and habits.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Who are you and what do you want to become in 2024?



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It has taken a long time to learn about myself, and who wanted to be. There are days that I still ask myself this question, when things get challenging. For me it is the girl who loves to save, being a mum that sets a good example and play my part in helping others, and looking after those I love and inspire others to become who they want to be.

Photo by Jill Wellington on Pexels.com

I want my life to continue to grow, and want my life to be spending time with my son, watching him grow and support him, so he becomes who he wants to be. When I feel I am being negative, I remind myself that my life is good, and it is up to me to make a difference to my life and like those people have done that for me, and lead me to helping others. My community.

You have to get to grips with of what is really important to you and who. Who makes you feel good about yourself and will give you full support in living the life you want and let your happiness grow.

I like others dreamed of being rich, but now I want to continue to build a writing community and write more books, that touch on real issues, and entertain people through writing and filming videos. I have three Youtube channels, which you can check out via these links:




I want to continue to teach my son and what he has taught me, and go on more walks and explore different places. You don’t have to be rich to do that, but be happy with life for all the wonderful things life gives, not allow setbacks bring you down, and others who may be against you.

Not everyone will like you, and think what you are doing is wrong, but you have to continue on regardless, and allow the critters to make you even more driven to be who you want.

So, it is coming to the end of 2023, and so lets get ready to say goodbye Saying Goodbye to 2023 and kick start 2024. Check out this printable:

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Saying Goodbye to 2023



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Happy new year everyone. I have no plans for New years, so not sure if I will be posting or not, so getting ahead, and it has been a good year for me. Still a few days left, so a few things I want to do before the end of the year, but pleased with how I have been building my life, and that was my word for this year, “Building” and my Youtube channels have grown, by blogs have more followers and got likes, and the same with my social media.

My son changed schools, and has settled in well and making improvements in his learning. Check out my parenting blogs:



I loved the trips I took up London by Uber Boat to North Greenwich and back, and would recommend it, such good fun, and did a trip to and from North Greenwich to Canary Wharf, and from there to Putney, and then had a lovely meal. So, been a good year in terms of travelling and having good times during the school holidays and went to see to AFC Wimbledon play football, and went to Rugby match for free, and so did plenty, and got my book Mum&Me Published on amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Mum-Me-Gucci-Tits-Virtue-ebook/dp/B0BGSS7H9K/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1CHGKKQVIG90X&keywords=mum+%26+me+carrie+holmes&qid=1703490128&sprefix=mum%26me+carrie+holmes%2Caps%2C87&sr=8-1

I enjoyed doing my Autumn Reset, my Life Coaching programme, “Summer Project 2023”, and this will continue on in 2024, dates TBC. I need to decide on videos, for my Life Coaching videos for it, and where I will publish them. I loved the walks me and my son went on and visiting Shepperton. It was so nice and would like to next time walk along the Canal.

Image I took when travelling on Uber Boat, from North Greenwich to Putney.

It was sad about Terry Venables, Kirstie Alley and Len Goodman, and many stars died, like Olivia Newton John, and Matthew Perry. So, so sad.

It reminds me that no one is invisible and you have to live your life where you can smile and enjoy.

We went, my family and I went to more shows, that I wanted to do, like saw Hamilton in the Apollo Theatre in London Victoria, for my birthday and was really good, went to Pub in the park, in Wimbledon Park, and saw Gabrielle, went to see Blippi, a children’s character who was at The Rose in Kingston, and Zog and got more shows to come. I love the London for its shows and going to see more in 2024 and took Henry to the Cinema for the first time, to see Dungeons and Dragons, and was good to see and would recommend it.

I am creating a printable and have more ideas for my content to come, so if you want to be the first to know when I put this up, then follow me and everytime I blog you will be notified.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Setting out goals for 2024



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I started to plan my goals for 2024 this week, and getting ready to kick start the new year, and see what I can accomplish. I have already set my financial goals, and now starting my Personal/Home goals, and then set work goals and then play.

Photo by Markus Winkler on Pexels.com

However set your goals that suit you, as everyone has different things going on in their lives so it isn’t one size fits all. I find some goals over lap, with other goals like Financial goals, example, Pay off debt could be in Financial and Personal/Home goals, along with fitness goals.

So, first of all I like to reflect on the previous year, before getting myself ready for the new year and putting a printable together to help you, and then start planning for the new year.

I use a notepad and OneNote, and set yearly goals and Quarterly goals, and separate them, and also do a vision board on Pinterest, and want to do one using Canva. I have already started on Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/thetypicalLondongal/vision-board-2024/

I like to set goals for my son and things I’d like for him to do, like for example he has a bike for Christmas and want to take him to a cycle park, and get confident in riding his bike, and he wants to use a Tennis court to play tennis, and so, this I would like to put into home. Then there Play where I want to take him to different places on the train, and he actually wants to be a train. Yes we have had many discussions, about this and not sure, it is being heard as my son is very determined, and not getting that he does have wheels or several doors, but I am sure that he will grow out of thinking that he and ride on the train tracks, and can work on the trains.

Then there is work. So it could be, getting a pay rise and work more hours, or less, and have a side hustle, and want to build your career and profession. If you like me, write blogs and books, then it could be write a new book, or complete a book, or do some writing everyday and create it, into a book and get it published. I love creating stories and have many books that I have started, but not continued, and once one ideas comes into my head, so does another, and then it could, doing Voluntary work, or changing careers. It is all about how it makes you feel. If it excites you, then do it, and yes, you can get self doubt, but if it gives you a buzz, I say go for it.

If you’d like to check out my current books, then go to amazon, and look under my names, Carrie Challoner and Carrie Holmes.

So, lets enjoy the rest of 2023, and be ready for 2024.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Finishing 2023/ Time to let go and create new goals and habit/Life Changes for 2024



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It is less than a month away until we reach a 2024, but I am not finished with 2023, and making sure I end the year being thankful and reflect on it, and go over the wins and the non wins and let go of the year, by setting new goals, implement new habits that will help me to grow, and make some more Life Changes, that will build my life up more, and setting myself challenges.

This picture was from when my son, step dad and mum travelled on UberBoat from Canary Wharf to Putney. We’d been to North Greenwich and would love to do this again, and enjoyed exploring my city London and these highlights made my year for me, along with shows I went to and making the most of the things I have around me, and being thankful for 2023, for these wonderful memories that I will look back on with a smile.

I remember my dad used to hate New Years eve, and I even after all these years, and my dad no longer alive, not sure why, but speaking of myself I often felt emotional about it. I felt fear, and all that I hoped for didn’t happen and let myself down. Yet now I feel excited and thankful for the years I have lived.

Looking at 2023, I created another book, that I hope will be published in the New year, and my Youtube channels have been building, please check them out.




I received more subscribers and followers on my blog sites, along with my Instagram, and on Facebook, and got my energy back and not spending too long on my computer and moving. I love going for walks with my son and spending time going to shows and exploring, by going for walks in the morning and indoor workouts in the afternoon and sleeping well, which I have always had trouble with.

It is making simple changes. I know longer have my phone by my bedside when it is bed time, not spending too much time on my laptop, and will use my laptop, when my son has gone to school, and gone for a walk in the morning, and put my phone on silent and get dressed as soon as I get up. Only drinking alcohol at weekends, but even the weekends I won’t have a drink, it depends on what I feel like having and love a cup of tea, and still want to work on my diet and continue getting fit, but reflectoing and going through of what I want to do next, and what I want to let go of.

I want to close this year off as it started on a good note, and got things to look forward too. Like my next book finished, and started to continue writing another book, and going to a birthday party in Bognor and off to see Bruch Springsteen, and the next will be choosing what fundraising walks I want to do, as I really miss doing these, so gonna get back to walking and use it to make a difference to other peoples lives and going to donate cash or products to my local foodbanks. Gonna continue writing to work on content for the new year, and get ready for my Life Coaching programme, “Summer Project 2024”. This is what I created a few years ago, and was very well received, and help you to have a better life and better year.

If you like a comical book, then check out my book Mum&Me and going to be working book 2, and so many writing projects to come, and have a good year, no matter what challenges arise and have plenty to enjoy.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Committing to your life by looking after yourself to help others look after theirs.



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It is coming to the end of 2023 and soon it will be 2024 and it is time to celebrate another year, whether it was good or bad, and there we can’t change whats gone but can start a fresh and let go of regrets and live for each day that you are alive.

I will be setting goals and thinking of the habits I want to continue with, and what I need to change to have more shape in my life and not be so far ahead but enjoy each day the best I can and not thinking all about the future but now. Today I went for a walk and was getting anxious about going and had was having second thoughts, but went and felt so good, and take in my surroundings and check out the shops and managed to buy more gifts and got one more to get, and then I am done, but forget that I need a few things still for my son to buy, but for others, are done for 2023.

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

I do like planning and making lists, but as I grow each day and making sure I am present with my son and other friends and family and let go of the passed, and the wins I have had. I would like to take this opportunity in saying thanks to those subscribng to my blogs on this site and others, and on my Youtube and Instagram and my other sociall media platforms.

I wrote a blog post a while back called Letting it go, Autumn Reset Day 11: Letting things go if there are things that serve no purpose in your life anymore, then let it go, to pass it to someone else, who may want it instead.

Your commitement to your life, is about you before helping someone else and thats not being selfish. I need to make sure I am fully rested to spend time with my son and meet his needs and making sure I wake up to see him off to school and when he comes back, and develop my own knowledge of life, to help support his.

I need to manage my personal hygiene, so my son knows how important it is, and help to stay healthy and helps with my confidence to help his, and that I wake up to start the day on a good knote, so my others around me can feel the same. This world is not for one person but for everyone on it, and that I look after stuff to look after my sons stuff. Helping one another through life challenges and that I get back on my feet to set an example for others to follow.

So, make a commitment to manage your life and that you learn to love yourself to love others.

I have created a new video for my Youtube channel My way of living, about Committing to using up what you already have: https://youtu.be/8fj0u2RHyGY

The other thing is I also write a daily blog now, so if you’d like to read more of my content that I write daily then check it out here: https://mydailythougthsandfeelings.blogspot.com/

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Donating to others for Christmas and plans for 2024 to raise money for good causes



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Since a kid I have loved donating to others and when we had a fete on the housing estate I lived in Hammersmith, I would donate clothes for the jumble sale they had, and loved giving to good causes.

Photo by RDNE Stock project on Pexels.com

I would watch and donate to Children in Need and Comic Relief and now I want t help out in food banks and donate food and would like to do a monthly haul to give away to a local food bank, to feed families in the UK and the other countries and make a real difference.

Or donate money to them to help feed families and homes, that can’t afford groceries in supermarkets as the prices increase. How is somebody able to live when everything is going up and increasing.? More should be done.

Next year I am going to do walks again for Charity and raise money for good causes. I loved doing this and helps me get fit and grow myself, so why not join me. If you have tips on fundrsaising then please comment below, I love sharing knowledge to help give support and build a community that gives us all a boost to live our lives the best we can and make a difference.

I am gong to begin by buying food that someone can have for at Christmas and be able to buy a contribute in having a Christmas meal or things like Mince Pies and tinned vegetables and something that have long shelf life, and still celebrate, rather than just having whatever meal they have, to feed their family and donate things like Crackers and Puddings, and just making sure they can still enjoy the seasion, and buy a gift to donate for chilidren that may not have one, because of their parents not able to buy them a gift, and often the Supermarkets will have a Christmas appeal to help feed families, So check them out.

So, lets give and change the world and its poverty.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Getting from A to B in life



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Just to let you know I write a daily blog now, that I did before and then took a break, but wanted to get back into posting on that blog site, because I enjoy it and sharing many things. Here is a link: https://mydailythougthsandfeelings.blogspot.com/

A picture I took from this weekend as I write this book, and visited Wimbledon Common on a Winter walk

If you didn’t know I have uploaded a new Newsletter so here is the link to that: November Newsletter 2023 I post one each month, and so check it out.

So getting from A to B. We spend a lot of time rushing around, travelling to different places and means dealing with delays on transport, the weather and errands you can’t avoid like getting ready for the different seasons, and Christmas can be so stressful that can make us become humbugs. Then there is dealing with emails, appointments and getting ready, if you have Children ready for school. So getting to A to B in life can come with many hurdles.

We will face challenges in our lives, and there is no avoiding them. Getting through childhood I found was hard, because I did find it hard to make friends and get to grips with things that happened, through childhood, like people dying, I didn’t understand life and death, and feared it for a while. I would live in a daydream a lot, and wished I spent more time taking it all in, and appreciated the things we did, like the weekends, where I’d played at my nans houses, did dancing lessons, whilst my brother played football. This was each weekend at a local recreation ground. We would spend time in pubs and all I wanted to do was go back home, and when those times stopped I really missed them. Those days were great and would be around lots of people that made me laugh and this was before the internet and social media and would go on some really good fun holidays. We’d go round to peoples homes, and stayed over, or they came round to us, and would squabble, trying to torment my brother a lot, and we’d have toy fights and would go to birthday parties and Christenings and it was such a brilliant time, and thanks to social media I have got back in touch with people, from those times and thankful for that.

When it comes to school and doing homework I couldn’t wait to those days to be over. Thinking and understanding my life, I actually did alright, and writing that, its the first time I felt that it was okay, and it was only the food at school that was bad, thinking about Primary School. Going on day trips, and spending time with friends and make the most of what we had in the UK, being British. It was my confidence that affected me, and feeling like I was climbing up a mountain and not making it up to the top, unless it came to playing sports or dancing, and because I would do badly in tests and remember dreading Secondary School, being so different to primary school.

I did go on to the sixth form year of my school, and felt I had a good level of freedom, but to be honest I had enough of education, and then started working, and I did write a blog about how I found work life, was good for me, and my knowledge of the world thrived and enjoyed the working environment and started going out around London, and on the first full time job, was taken from London to Lille on The Euro star and, parts I found hard, it wasn’t always great, but loved the fact I was earning my own money and forming relationships that was fun, and I am so glad I had that time to just enjoy my teens and early twenties.

It is important to enjoy the early years and when it comes to Christrmas, to embrace the people you love in your life and not worrying about it being better than the last, which I often have felt, because life isn’t a competition, and getting rid of resentment and begruding each other success, is important, because that is only going to flare other negative emotions and can lead you being alone. Pay each other compliments and really listening to people and celebrate each others achievements and how they are building their life.

Live life together and stop knocking it down.

If you feel your life is going backwards then Reset, and Relfect. This is where keeping a journal helps, going through things that you feel is causing you to have these feelings. That is what they are, feelings that can be controlled. This is where my Autumn Reset can help, and help finish tasks, to then start a fresh, and I will go through my lists and set a plan to get things finished, making sure I leave time to have some fun. Weekends I spend with my son, having plenty of exercise, watching TV I don’t always get to watch, in the week and just having time to hug, kiss and take in every minute. Life can be tiring, and it okay to be tired, we are all human, and that we spend time having a nice hot bath, read a book, doing some retail therapy, and not to be buy clothes but food we love to eat, stuff to decoarate our homes with and buying new things for our kids and bringing smiles to everyone in your life, faces.

Getting to A to B in life shapes you, depending on the paths you have chosen and if things haven’t worked out, brush yourself off and carry on.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Get ahead of yourself



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15 powerful quotes to change the way you think about time and ...

Hello and welcome to another blog on Everyone Can build a castle. First of all I would like to say a massive thank you to those who are now following my blog it means so much to me, I couldn’t have gotten through the lockdown without you.

Now we have some normality, some kids in the UK have now returned to school, it is time to get ahead of yourself. I am going to spend time to batch blog tonight so I have plenty to post this week, we still have upon us.

There is still so much I want to share that I want to make sure I get it out by the end of the week.

  • My first tip to get ahead of yourself, is to do anything you can do the night before even if you spent 10-15 minutes on something, if it sets you up ready for the next day.
  • Prioritize and separate your to do list, this helps to break your tasks down and not see too much. The bigger the list the less we get down, the smaller the list the more chance you have of getting it done.
  • Add to your schedule a 5 to 30 minute tea break and use this to catch up on TV or Youtube or listen to an audio book or practice mindfulness.
  • Use the extra time you have in the morning to do some cleaning rather leaving it to when you get back from the school run. I find the less I have to do during the time my son is at school in terms of housework or getting myself ready for the day, as I don’t enjoy it, the more I can focus on the work I do enjoy, such as my writing.
  • Spend 10-30 minutes pottering around starting from the top to bottom or bottom to top and just go around making the beds, cleaning an area, putting a load of washing on or washing up, just to have a break from the computer and straighten out the home without little effort
  • Spend travelling time to practice being in the now rather than hiding your face away on your phone and take in your surroundings. We can get so buried in our phones and laptops that we rarely breath and take in our environment, so spend some time doing this as this stops your head getting over loaded.
  • Write down each task you complete so you can get to see how much you can truly get done in a day and week. You will be surprised with yourself of how much you can complete when you set your mind to it.

So lets make the most of the free time we have now, that our children are back to school, and stay safe.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Weekly Cheat Sheet: Health and Wellbeing Habits



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Hello and happy Monday! Yes am struggling a bit today. I had a busy weekend as my son had an end of season party at the rugby club, and yesterday we went to my nieces birthday party, and Henry my son has been unwell, and idea for my cheat sheet on my other blog site: The Parenting Adventures Tips and Tricks and will be posting that one after I have sent sites weekly sheet.

These are completely free to download. I upload these every week so please check it out and share. If you’d like to be notified of my blogs on this site then please subscribe.

Many thanks for reading

Carrie X

New Video for my Life Coaching Programme, sharing about How I Manage my time Realistically



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Hello! So I hope you are enjoyed my previous video that is on my Educational Youtube channel, and please subscribe as it helps grow my content and this weeks video is all about How I Realistically Manage my time.

In the mornings I set my alarm for 5:30am but at the moment been getting up at 5am, but this morning I went back to bed, not to sleep but to give myself time to drink my cup of tea and a friend of mine always likes to read in the mornings.

When I used to go running and didn’t feel like it, I would put on a motivation video on or a song on. Now though I use it to edit a book I am trying to finish and do some of my Life Coaching course I am doing, and watch a bit of Youtube, before others are awake.

I give myself free choice time and mark it in my calendar and do whatever I choose, so be realistic and manage your days without putting on too much pressure on yourself.

If you’d like to be kept up to date with my Youtube channel and my blogs then please subscribe.

I will be blogging and creating videos each week.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Life Coaching Programme “Summer Project 2024” Staying indoors all the time



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Photo by Ivan Samkov on Pexels.com

If you feel like your life isn’t going anywhere and feeling unaccomplished, then I am sure you may have heard others say to you, “Staying in four walls isn’t going to help”. This was my advise, but now I have changed my mind, because it is feels good when you don’t have to go anywhere sometimes and sort out the home instead. I like fresh air, going for walks and visiting different places and planning walks that I can do when my son, when he is off for the summer holidays, and just have that time together with no plan but just venturing out and taking in my surroundings. This can be such good fun. Having someone who you can share moments with like walking or going on holiday, making it a regular thing, can really boost your mind and energy.

As a child we used to go camping down a friends land they had and sit around the bonfire, and playing games, visiting a lovely country pub that had a jukebox and billiard table, or go to the races. I loved it.

Now though I do like to spend some days in, to catch up on doing some sorting out and pottering around.

It depends on the circumstances, of course if you have an illness then getting out can be hard, so spend sometime visiting someone who is stuck at home because of an illness then however much it may upset you, seeing you can really mean a lot, even if it is for half an hour or so. I remember when my nan could not go out, and was bed ridden, and spending time with her, meant the world to me, but I also miss those times we spent time walking outdoors. We would spend time at a local market, going to the betting shop and would take a trip to Heathrow to see the planes take off and land but then going back to her flat, we would play card games or a board game, and enjoy some TV quiz shows and soaps.

I loved my nan to bits and she looked after me as a kid, so I saw it as its my turn to help her. My grandparents were a massive part of my life. If you feel stuck not seeing anybody, then there are organisations where you can befriend someone, and I have spoken about this before but can really be rewarding and helps you get out of the house, when you don’t want to be indoors.

It is balance and doing what is going to make you want to get up and have a day where you not have in a rush and just having a nice cup at home, doing some laundry and cleaning can then stir us to then go outside. If I want a No Spend day, check out my youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@financiallivingI find stopping in some days helps with that, and yes can online shop but make sure I have tasks each day to do at home so I don’t get bored and buy something online. I like to use the treadmill to help make sure I get exercise each day, and do indoor workouts with my dumbells and exercise mat.

I hope this blog helps you and remember to subscribe if you want to be kept up to date with my blog and projects and will be back next with a blog too, and will be making more videos on my Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@CarrieEducationalYoutube-ws4xp

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Cheat Sheet: Give Yourself Time and Space



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Hello and welcome! This is my blog everyone can build a castle and I post about Habits, Goal setting and managing life.

This year I wanted to, each week post a Cheat Sheet with tips of building your life and have a better wellbeing.

This weeks is about Give Yourself Time and Space.

This can be having an Afternoon Nap, as listed and the other thing not on the list, is having a spa night or a pampering night, anything that makes you feel relaxed and calm each day, rather than rushing and not having time to brush your hair or take a shower.

I like to have time in the morning of having a cup of tea and work on my book I am trying to complete, and have time to grab a coffee.

These printables are free to download and keep, and if you subscribe then you will be alerted each week of my posts and won’t miss out.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Video Source Introducing my New Education Youtube channel. My first video for My Life Coaching programme “Summer Project 2024”



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So if you have missed my blogs that I have written on this site, for my Life Coaching programme then check these two out to go back. My Life Coaching Programme “Summer Project 2024” helping you have a better year and a better life is coming at the start of May 2024 and Life Coaching blog “Summer Project 2024” Improve your life by follow positive habits

I have now created a video to talk about and is no my Educational Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@CarrieEducationalYoutube-ws4xp

These videos will go out every week and a completely free to watch and if there are topics you’d like me to write about then please let me know, just leave a comment below.

Please check out my Pinterest board:

I also have a twitter, Facebook and Instagram platform too, where I will posting for it.



Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Life Coaching blog “Summer Project 2024” Improve your life by follow positive habits



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Life can take many routes and before you know you see doom and gloom. There is no point getting up because soon enough it will be time to get back in bed, and the days are just fading away. This can lead us feeling that we are no good to the world, that we have nowhere to go and slip further down and that there is no use in living, as this is all you have to look forward to.

Planning your life: Create a plan for yourself, like if you have wanted to write a book, like I did then create a writing plan and do a bit a day or if your house is cluttered, create a plan to declutter one area a day and time yourself.

Feeling unaccomplished: Write down all the things you would like to accomplish, and start with home, then work and then play. By doing this you will see, that these are actually goals you’ve as often we think goals are running 5k in the morning, which is fine, but breaking it down makes it easier to accomplish and not piling to much pressure on yourself. As yourself, what you want your life to look like? Check out the printable I created for you: My Life Coaching Programme “Summer Project 2024” helping you have a better year and a better life is coming at the start of May 2024

Find your word: My word last year was Build because that is what I wanted last year, and build my content, build the relationship with my son and others, and build my knowledge and so did some courses to help with that, as I have had mental health issues and wanted to help others who may have had mental health problems and reach out. This year is it grow, which some may say is the same thing as build, for me building I think about bricks and grow I think about a seed. For me I needed to build my life up to make room for growth, and has helped me create projects like this one and I wrote a daily blog which I shared on my daily blog: https://mydailythougthsandfeelings.blogspot.com/2024/04/learningbuilding-your-knowledge-and.html

Making choices: Do you want to feel low about yourself all your life? When I read a book by Paul McKenna it asked this question and made me think, no I don’t. I need to get out of the bed, and get dressed, not wasting my life lying hear feeling sorry for myself. So address, using my work book, of what areas of your life you are not happy with and make the choice, to be happy or not to be happy.

Reduce your consumption of negativity: I try to avoid watching things on TV that are overly violent, or has a lot of blood in, as it can affect me. As a kid I avoided horror films because it would effect my sleep and so now I will listen to true stories, but it depends on what it is and selective on what I consume online. Now I do that, I feel better and the same with certain music.

I love my life now. It has taken a lot for me to feel this way and we all deserve to feel like this. I hope you find these tips help you and remember to check out my Pinterest and social media platforms as I have content on there too, for this years Summer Project Programme.

I have filmed a video sharing my printable, I created, https://youtu.be/-E2LmAU0xBg and will be creating videos to go up on my New Educational Youtube channel: CarrieEducationalYoutube-ws4xp

Link for my Pinterest:

Social media:



Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Cheat Sheet: Beginning of the week



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Happy Monday to you, I hope it is going well for you so far, and I have created my cheat sheets and it is all about Beginning of the week.

Remember on the 1st May 2024, so this Wednesday is the beginning my Life Coaching Programme Summer Project 2024. Check out this video: https://youtu.be/-E2LmAU0xBg

These Cheat sheets are free to download and keep and share too. I also do a Cheat Sheet for my other blog site: https://theparentingadventurestipsandtricks.wordpress.com

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

No Spending January 2024



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Check out my first video, check out my blogs from last year, No Spend January 2023 first video, Update on my No Spending January 2023 Update of my No Spend January video 2023 where I shared my Youtube videos and check out my first video for this year on Channel My way of living: https://youtu.be/0aQQooZ3O1U

Photo by RDNE Stock project on Pexels.com

Last year it really made me look at where my money was going, and did a yearly budget which I have started to do this year, and it helped me manage my money effectively, and that bought me results. I spent time avoiding things like my bank account knowing that it could go down to zero and asked do I want this to be the rest of my life? Do I want die being in debt? If I want to go on a holiday, buy new clothes or notebooks and put money beside for my son, I needed to change my habits and so doing No Spend was so rewarding. I now check my bank account everyday and do a spending plan each week and month and just by making these changes in your life, like prioritizing on what is truly important to you, can grow your money for it to go further.

This year I decided to do No Spend because I want this year to be the end of debt and now setting in place a strategy by giving myself a monthly allowance to buy whatever I want and the same online, and this helps stop and save on many things and limited how much I wish to spend on the things I want and measure the need for an item, when using my allowances.

I have decided to pay off my credit card debt by August this year and this will be free up space to save and build my income. Rather than spending money on courses, I having been doing some that are free and complete the ones I have paid for and make my spending useful, by donating money or food each month to a foodbank, whenever I go to the newsagents use the change to donate to their charity box, and now I pay my son a pound for when he reads his book, so he can build his pocket money, and have him pay for the things he wants.

My son needs to learn about money and buying things for himself, and it has been very effective, as he is at the age to understand and I learned this from when I was a child. I the other day went through my stuff in my plastic draw unit in Wimbledon, as I travel and spend time in Epsom and Wimbledon each week, and found more notebooks still not used, and has stopped me from buying any more, and use what I have already got.

I am realising that I can save by shopping in my own wardrobe and room, and see that I have enough of what I need and its not about quantity but quality, and if its going to be beneficial to me in the long run.

To track my money I use a spreadsheet for myself on Excel and using it to see where my money is going towards and if I need to change my budget in some areas and cut down, like food shopping and perhaps being a bit too tight about it.

It has helped me to see what I enjoy, like meeting my mum for lunch, or going to a coffee shop and write and not stuck in doors, or going for a walk which is free exercise and buy a coffee whilst I enjoy a walk and can shop now without buying.

So, I challenge you to do No Spend January when it comes around again, and begin like I did at first have No Spend days and set a budget for each area of your life to invest in the things you love.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

April Newsletter 2024



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Yes it is that time again! If you don’t know I write a newsletter each month, which is free to view and download and talk about my content and things coming up, and next week on the 1st May I will be starting my Life Coaching programme “Summer Project 2024” and we are heading towards a few bank holidays and so been sharing what I will be doing and give tips on what to do, and did film a video on my channel my way of living talking about it too: https://youtube.com/@mywayofliving1602?si=CsU3pkVb4cKPzu2n

So here it is and hope you enjoy it.

It is good to see I am receiving likes to my passed blogs on this site and please check out my Pinterest as there are are more blogs and videos on their to my various blog sites and youtube channels: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/thetypicalLondongal/

Many thanks for reading

Carrie X

My Life Coaching Programme “Summer Project 2024” helping you have a better year and a better life is coming at the start of May 2024



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Hi all! If you are new then welcome. Each year I do a life coaching programme, helping you have a better life and a better year, and because I have had really good feedback from the previous blogs and videos I have posted for this programme on this site, wanted to continue, and on social media too. It starts from May to August, and so to help kick off, I have created a printable and workbook free for you and there will be more to come.

There is no pressure just to help go through the parts in your life that you want to grow and sort out.

So, if you want to be alerted of my posts and videos on this programme, and tools and resources I will be posting, then please subscribe.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Weekly Cheat Sheet: Save yourself time



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It is Monday! Time to start the week and thought this Cheat Sheet will you save yourself time.

I hope it helps you, and my Life Coaching programme Summer Project 2024 is on its way and so will be posting the workbook printable which is free, like these Cheat Sheets and there will blogs and videos on my new Educational Youtube channel, which I will also post on here so lets get ready for the week ahead.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Believe in your own mind by making changes to your lifestyle



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I am a typical Libra as I can be super decisive and weigh things up, a lot.

I often will let someone else decide and it drives me insane, and often the person.

Photo by Tara Winstead on Pexels.com

I have learned to trust myself which is helping me believe in my own mind, and journaling and learning from others. Following good habits like seeing I can be organized, tidy and letting things go, and trying to change my hoarding and be ruthless and prioritizing.

Yes still a long way to go, when it comes to not hoarding, yet I have reined myself in and realising that I can save and not buy anything else, until I go through clothes that I still not worn or toiletries and beauty and stationary. I write a blog called Carries Versatile Fashion, and have Youtube channel where I talk about managing my money, and using what I have got, before buying anything else (https://www.youtube.com/@mywayofliving1602) . I enjoy building my wardrobe, having plenty of shower gels and make up, but if they are taking up too much space then, I know I need to use or let go. I know in my mind I can do that.

I believe that I can write a book and publish it. I can look after my body and mind, by exercising, but doing less to achieve more. Being kind to myself, by not criticizing myself all the time. Not giving myself a hard time If I make a mistake or when there are daily challenges, like yesterday I got caught out in the rain, still enjoyed the walk I like to do and achieved my tasks for the day.

It can be an event that can influence your thoughts, like when Princess Diana died it made me get off my arse and do something useful and made me see that you can’t waste life. Life changes come with changes to your own thoughts with yourself and others. I know if I just sit in front of my laptop for too long, loose concentration and get restless, and taking a break can influence your mind, and noticing your thoughts to rest and do something else. The mind likes variety not doing the same thing all of the time, and mixing it up so you feel good each day and now I write in my journal on my phone everyday on my thoughts and feelings and in my notebook journal, where I write about what has made me happy each day.

This helps believe my own mind and trust my instincts. I was working on my Life Coaching course and some of what the course covers is self doubt, and how you need self doubt to overcome it, like when I write a blog I often think “Should I post it or not?” but this stirs me on to get it done and part of building a blog is to write it and learn from each post, what type of audience do I want to get in touch with on my blog and how they respond to it, making sure it isn’t offensive, but real life.

I believe in my mind in a way that I reduce worrying. At one point I would live by my worrying and it can be so draining. I know for my mind to function well to eliminate feelings of worry, by taking action. Like I feel anxious about getting my son ready for school, so I will get up early now, to do a bit of work on the computer as at the moment he will sleep on passed 5am now, but after 6am and do his breakfast or his dad will, and not rushing around, but give myself enough time to look after myself in the morning to help get my son ready for school, and plan each day, so things get done and not playing catch up that can cause me to worry.

In the evenings I will make sure that I not on my laptop too late and listen to my mind when it gets tired and being on my laptop in the evenings would make my mind active again and would struggle in getting to sleep that would affect my mind the next day and so will read, get myself and my son ready for bed and will do stories and I sleep better than I have ever done. I do take medication to help too, but lowering my mental activity on my phone and laptop in the evenings, has helped too.

I do write a daily blog so if you’d like to check it out then please do, here is a link: My Daily Thoughts and feelings (mydailythougthsandfeelings.blogspot.com)

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Weekly Cheat Sheet: Getting back from the Holidays



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Hello and welcome to Everyone can build a castle. This is my weekly Cheat Sheet that I post every Monday and this one is all about Getting back from the Holidays. I also posted this on my blog site: The Parenting Adventures tips and tricks.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Weekly Cheat Sheet: Getting a good nights sleep



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It is half term and last night was kept awake as my son wanted to chatter all night.

I thought this weeks cheat sheet could be tips on Getting a good nights sleep.

It is completely free.

Many thanks for reading

Carrie X

Being lazy does it have a purpose?



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The idea of this blog, was this morning when I woke up around 4am and for the first time since I begun getting up between 4:30am to 5am, wondering about going back to bed, but I find when I sleep on I feel more tired.

I am like this new habit, of waking up early, check out my blog I’ve become an early bird But that little voice was like “Are you sure?” and responded in my head “Yes”.

Photo by Alena Shekhovtcova on Pexels.com

Well I have had psychosis and so hearing voices isn’t new, but no its that critic that comes from the brain, that everyone has, and tests you and annoys you. There are people who can block this out, because we look at our beds, as if we may not return, but it has really changed my habits, and making progress of building a life I love and enjoy each day, no matter what the day brings.

As a kid I was a terrible sleeper, but due to my body clock, I would still wake up early and my idea of lying in, didn’t happen. I got to the point where I would worry about not getting a good nights sleep and it had bad affects and I understand now why many successful people go to bed at the same time every night and wake up, at the same time.

I am sleeping so well and my son now is started to sleep in. This may change, as having children, they can be unpredictable, since 2 months old (now he is 10) wakes up early, but this week he has slept on. This morning he woke up around 6:45am which is late for him.

There was a time I’d have lazy days, and staying in bed all day, not gotten dressed and I know people who still love doing that and that is okay, and part of me misses those times, so perhaps start having these days again, but at the moment like being active and getting up with a nice cup of tea getting some writing done. Not saying I wouldn’t do it again, but now and then, watching some movies with popcorn, homemade pizzas and a drink of choice. Or have a sort out wearing slacks. Catching up on cleaning tasks and still have a shower but put on some nice PJ’s and still feel like you have still kind of, made an effort.

A lady called Mel Robbins, is to do nothing and just rest. Jordan Page, talks about taking naps and there was a time when working at a Holiday Camp where I would nap in the day but when I did I would feel groggy and be confused with the time of the day, so I don’t nap. My brother can easily sit on the sofa and snooze like my husband, and in the mornings it would take me ages to wake and be lazy watching TV on the sofa and found it hard to kick start my day.

So being lazy can help with recharging batteries and it is good to just take a break from whatever you feel you need a break from and get back on the road and carry on once refreshened. Listen to the body. Our body are machines and it is important that we look after it. We are not here to be on the go all of the time, but take on experiences, where you can take a breath and feel the air coming into the body and out. We need to watch that TV series or read a book, or meditate. So I will still be lazy when I feel I need to do nothing and switch off as I do find that hard to do, and just live, be happy and take it step by step.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Weekly Cheat Sheet: Planning for the Summer



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Yes it is officially Summer here in the UK as the clocks move forward and so here are some tips on planning for the summer.

I hope you have had a good easter so far, my mum is hosting an Easter Egg hunt today, so spending time with family and I will be planning activities and trips to different places for the holidays and will be posting more and I do film vlogs. Please check out my Youtube channel: Typical London gal: https://www.youtube.com/@typicallondongal

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Putting Yourself First



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How many of us struggle with that, Putting yourself first?

We feel guilty when our kids want us to play but we want to catch up on resting as you come home from work or been doing chores, and want a nice hot bath or shower.

Photo by Vlada Karpovich on Pexels.com

You need that time, and today as it is Easter Sunday going to have a day indoors which is something I do often, and get ready for the week and adjusting to the time, as the clocks went forward last night and set a day or time for yourself in the day or week and develop or buy a “Do not disturb” sign on the door.

My son and my husband are going to get their hair cut and I am going to take a bath, do a bit of sorting out and continue to plan for the week, do a walk on the treadmill and read. I want to go through my finances and I have already worked on my book this morning, and continue filming a vlog, and having that time just helps me to get myself in shape to get more bits done and take my time.

Why do we rush around? Because we haven’t allowed ourself time to fully wake up, we have no plan for the day and accept that we are that kind of person that is always late, yet if you allow yourself to wake up by having that time for your first cup of tea in the Morning, planning for the day and say I can be on time and late just adds stress and panic. Do you want to keep getting stressed or have peace?

I am not saying I have never been late, because relying on public transport not easy now I stay in two different places, pre plan, by checking the timetables of the train and bus, and print off a map and if I can walk I will, and I will leave extra early.

Do what it takes for your life to be easier, as stress can have health implications, and so it is important to help your wellbeing aswell as others, and so now it is Easter and your not having to do the school run have your kids help with chores and their care, depending on the age, and have that time to do what ever helps you to have a stress free day.

Sorting stuff out. This may sound counterproductive but no. It can be a lower level task, with some music or audiobook sitting down and clear out a bag or a draw, just pottering around, which is one of my favourite things. I am going to sort out the closet in the guest bedroom. Doing a sort out can really make a huge difference to our feelings and emotions, because we can easily procrastinate and put it off, but just builds and builds. I feel weighed down by stuff and have changed my hoarding habit as if you think it is unnecessary spending, check this video out where I talk about this https://youtu.be/UfiHwsm71F8, to wanting minimal, and do my bit to reduce waste.

I wrote a blog yesterday on my blogsite, Organize4thebetter https://organize4thebetter.blogspot.com/2024/03/ten-ways-i-organize-my-life.html

I also like to go to a coffee shop to do some writing, on some days when my son is at school or go and get bits of shopping. I like creating ideas for dinner as this is my favourite meal of the day and like time when it is me cooking dinner, spend time listening to music and sing, or an audiobook. My step dad does this when he is cooking, and I am lucky because when I am in Wimbledon, where I live, I rarely have to do the cooking. I will help with washing up instead and tiding my bedroom there too and this week when I am there, going to be sorting this out more too, and yes I will film it. Check out Vlog channel: https://www.youtube.com/@typicallondongal

So just take that time and enjoy the Easter Holidays and if you’d like to be notified when I post a blog on here, then click subscribe and you will, and please check out my Pinterest where I post my content along with my Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

Link for my


Social media:




Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

I’ve become a early bird and feel revitalized



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I hope you are having a good week, and if you didn’t know I am a mum and a writer and I do a yearly Life Coaching programme, and it is the Summer Project and is to help you have a better life and better year, and will write and create blogs and videos and is completely free and will begin from the first of May to August 2024. So more information to come.

Photo by Miriam Alonso on Pexels.com

So I now have changed my habit in the morning that I get up between 4 and 5am in the morning and it was a goal I actually made, because I knew it would help me, when I did for a while, but started to struggle to do so, and it just happened. It was last week when I didn’t sleep well, and woke up at 4:30am fully awake and ready for the day and had energy like I have never known it.

It is funny because I am not a morning person and not sure if this my life now getting up so early and before then, my son would be getting me out of bed even when my alarm went off would have to have 5 extra minutes to gather myself to get up. Now though feel like I have finally got my sleep under control and getting more done, exercised and feel so elated by this new habit.

I have been writing about it in my daily blog I write: https://mydailythougthsandfeelings.blogspot.com/

This is not to make anyone feel bad, because it is what suits you, but to show that your life can work out to how you wish it to be and can happen naturally, and so yes wanted to share because we feel we have to force ourselves to develop new habits, when they can just happen.

Grab your reins and pull yourself back.

There have been times when I have had to grab my reins to stop myself in going full steam ahead and get burn out but now since last week, I have not rushed, which has lead me to feel less stressed and got control of my anxiety and anxiousness. Before, when getting up later would find time speeding ahead and trying to complete my tasks each day to then come crashing down, and feel totally exhausted.

Who can relate to that?

Let go of the pressure and let your life lead you, and stop feeling that we have to be in control of our lives all of the time and not allow life to take its course.

Stop trying to meet others expectations of you.

Take your time.

Listen to your body.

Then honestly before you know you will be living the life you want and be the person you want, develop natural habits that makes your life better than ever, and achieve your goals and to do’s, have time for your kids and more time for you, to have down time and one of Mel Robbins tips is to do have time doing nothing, and the other habit I have started is to journal and write down what I have been happy about each day.

So live and grow, and lets support each other to grow and make love as happy as possible.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Getting ready for the week ahead



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So it is Monday once again and it means getting set up for the week. If you didn’t know I have a daily blog site if you’d like to check it out:

My Daily Thoughts and feelings (mydailythougthsandfeelings.blogspot.com)

I set up my week by using my diary, One Note and my Journal, and like to plan my writing and editing of my books using my Filofax, get a vlog edited (my vlogging channel is: https://www.youtube.com/@typicallondongal

I plan the video for my other Youtube channel, which is all about How I like to manage my money, to help give tips in the relationships I have had financially and giving tips on spending and saving. Check out here: https://www.youtube.com/@mywayofliving1602

Setting up for the week, making sure I check what appointments I have. This morning I went through the fridge to go through the food for the week and when the food in the fridge have got to be used by, so nothing goes to waste and exercise and making sure I take breaks and spend time with my son when he comes home and managing and working on many different projects, helps to be in the right mindset, avoiding procrastination and missing anything that has to be done, which is top priority.

Please check out my new Cheat sheet for the week which is about Planning your week:

I plan what clothes I am going to wear and make sure I do some self care, like my skincare, shower or bath and winding down for the evening with a good book.

So I hope you find these tips helpful and I also post my cheat sheets at the beginning of the week are posted to my blog site: The parenting adventures | Easy Flexible Parenting (wordpress.com)

There is more posts to come and at the weekend started to plan more for my Life Coaching programme I do every year and started two years ago and did get real good feedback and help you have a better life and a better year, and grow each year.

So if you’d like to be kept up to date on my content here on this blog then please subscribe as it really helps me continue to build this blog site and help others have a happy and positive life. Check these platforms for more of my content, and can follow me on these too, along with other blog sites.

Link for my Pinterest:

Social media:



Also write books, so if you’d like to check these out also then go to my Pinterest site and look under My Books and are available from there.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

I just needed my coffee



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So today I plan to go up to London, and as always my inner critic is like, what if there is a problem with the trains as I looked there was, but was the wrong train. Now have my coffee and feel that is all I needed to ignore that inner voice. I am going to as I get up there going to write my notes for my Youtube channel: My Way of Living.

Photo by Chevanon Photography on Pexels.com

I was going to go by bus, but means catching three buses and didn’t feel like it, but going to travel back by bus. As I vision myself travelling to London, come the thoughts of what if I run out of battery on my phone as I like to listen to something whilst travelling, but I am taking a book and now I have my coffee getting rid of the negative voice in my head, to listen to my positive voice.

I am meeting my mum for lunch and sent her a message after realizing that I was looking at the wrong train and going to be go through some forms, to apply for my son to do an after school club at his school and one is to sort out my income. I like travelling to London, and know its my anxiety talking and know that its just protecting me and I am letting it control me, rather than me controlling it.

That inner voice when I think about it is like a barrier coming down and need to say “Hey, don’t put that barrier in front of me, I know what is out there that can happen and not go as planned but what if it goes okay? and get the things I need to do, done?”

So, I am going to not allow my negative thoughts gain control and enjoy my day, and as I am writing and finishing this blog listening to a Mel Robbins Podcast, and it things like that, that I enjoy that helps me think positively: https://www.melrobbins.com/podcast

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

March Newsletter 2024 Getting ready for Easter and what is coming up in my content



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Hi yes it is that time again. My Monthly newsletter. I post it on this site each month of special dates and seasons and keeping you up to date with my content and what is coming up as we now are in Spring.

There are ideas of good food to make for the Easter Season and places to go, and planning for Easter and good activities you can do.

Please let me know of what you’d like me to feature in my newsletters and you can keep up to date with all my blogs and content by subscribing.

Have a great rest of the week.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Weekly Cheat Sheet: Tips if you feel overwhelmed



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Hello, yes it is a Monday again, I can’t believe that it was last week we had travelled from to and from Bognor Regis and met up with friends. It was so good to get away and not think about to do lists, and just be.

This Cheat Sheet is all about what to do when you feel overwhelmed. These Cheat Sheets are completely free and please share.

I will be sharing this on my other site The Parenting Adventures Tips and Tricks too, because as parents we can get overwhelmed and just need that time out to recharge our batteries and lift our mood and our feelings so we can just have time to ourself and not everything has to be landed on your shoulders but shared.

Please if you’d like to be notified of my blogs on this site and my parenting site, linked above then please subscribe.

Have a great week.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Turning my feelings around and being happy with your life and yourself



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My life has not been pain sailing, like us all, there has been ups and downs and when my mum or dad told me off I would be like, it was the end of the world and that I am right and they’re wrong, and so unfair, and would envy my brother, because he is super confident, and girls running after him, whilst I sat on a bench at school by myself.

Photo by Efe Ersoy on Pexels.com

I have had to really work on my self. I could get jealous, bitter and self centered, like “How have they earned that?”, “Oh they are showing off and trying to be super popular”, or like when I was a primary school, a girl named Sherie, was so popular and all the boys fancied her, and everyone wanted her company and be friends with her. I felt ugly and envious, that I will never be her, like I wished to be.

My mental health took a turned for the worst, and battled with my feelings for a long time. There were times when I didn’t get out of bed, and would stay in, and now I have been discharged from the Mental Health hospital, so proud of myself that I got through my fight with my mental health and not allowing my inner critic to hold me back and stop feeling that I haven’t had a exciting life compared to others, and that the world is against me.

Here are some questions to ask,

Who do you want to be?

Do you feel unworthy and that you’ll never be as good as someone in your life?

Do you feel that noone understands you?

Writing a journal, can really help address your feelings and what is it that is really bothering you?

For me it was, well if I look like that, like Sherie, then I will be as popular and the kids would want to hang with me, but that wasn’t the case and started to form friends as I gradually went through school, but it took a long time, and would have fights and arguments and was bullied. In the end I was well respected at Primary school. It took the last year to experience that, but that I had come so far, and then wanted to start a fresh beginning, at secondary school.

The feelings didn’t disappear, and got stronger. I now look back it was once again that I wasn’t fitting in, and was told by a girl that I was boring, because I was a fan of a TV show The Bill, and would talk about it a lot, and took it, and glad for her honesty and yes it hurt my feelings, but then she wasn’t perfect and would get on people’s nerves, yet we did have fun together, so I let it go.

With those group of friends, they would be into wrestling and one of my friends did canoeing, and shared our love of music. They were the ones who got me into following a rugby team and when I felt like I couldn’t buy chips in McDonalds they got them for me, and introduced me to rock music and went to concerts together, and made friends at my dancing school, and my confidence began to increase.

I have been unkind, and blocked people, because I was feeling excluded and it really was affecting me, because felt it was a personal attack. Now though I glad that they have done well in their life and now in jobs that are high powered, and looking after themselves.

Our negative feelings can rub off on others. I have been with people who would constantly be complaining. I am lucky for having the people around me that keep the roof over my head and support me in looking after my son, and at the weekend I met up with friends who I met when I was working at a holiday camp, and felt so privileged to be in their company as we had a good catch up, and that we all, trying to build our lives and be happy. I can be awkward and shy still but when you meet people, and makes you feel that you’ve never been apart, the fear instantly goes, your inner critic gets pushed away making you feel that you are worthy and people love you, and stop putting your guard up, and not allow your fears get the better of you, but make you grow and be the person you wished to be, and telling people that you love them, can help you and them. There are a lot of people I love, because they have been a huge importance to my life, and been a great influence. I am kind, I will be on time, and I will make the effort.

When you have been through trauma, it can make you angry, and “Why me?”, “What have I done to deserve it?” and often its nothing, its life, it can be unpredictable. Noone knows what is around the corner for us, and so, talking about growing our happiness, ask yourself, do you want to be unhappy all through your life? I have had to rebuild, and make sense of situations, but often there isn’t an answer. I no longer want my inner critic stop me from going swimming and going for walks, from spending time with my son, and go for opportunities, that can open many doors for me. I no longer want to be counting calories, and worrying about my weight. If biscuits are going to make me feel guilty, then I am not going to eat them, if someone doesn’t say thank you when you open the door for them, because what’s the point, they don’t care and not allow me to have a bad day, but continue to be kind and not allow their ignorance to rub off.

So lets all work together in building and growing our lives, its never too late to be happy and grow your feelings, to feel better about yourself. I do write a blog where I talk about building confidence. Check it out via this link: https://buildingselfconfidencetud.blogspot.com/

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Weekly Cheat Sheet: What to Take Away From Each week



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First of all welcome new subscribers, it really means the world to me. I now back writing daily blogs, and so check out this post I wrote today. https://mydailythougthsandfeelings.blogspot.com/

In this Cheat Sheet, which I free to print and download, I am sharing tips on What to take away From Each week:

Get the most of each day and invest in yourself.

I hope you are finding these Cheat Sheets help. Subscribe to be alerted everytime I post a blog and check out my Youtube channels for more content and on Pinterest too:





Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Trying to be like somebody else



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This is a lyric from an Adele song, “I Drink Wine” and from watching a video about That Girl, I for a long time would copy friends because I felt well they’re doing that and feel to meet my own high expectation of myself, had to be like that too.

Photo by MART PRODUCTION on Pexels.com

Be yourself. Wear clothes that represent you. Cook meals that you like and find your own style. I love clothes and I enjoy putting outfits together, check out my blog carries versatile fashion and getting the most out of them, and yes I do save pins on Pinterest on Fashion, https://www.pinterest.co.uk/thetypicalLondongal/ because I like different looks but that I know I am wearing that outfit because it actually suits me, and not feel I have to wear an outfit to impress someone else.

That’s not me.

I like to put my own stamp on looks that I like and styles that suit me and having fun with clothes and not taking it too seriously and feel free as a bird now when it comes to my self image. I write a blog called Building Self Confidence the Ugly Duckling, and talk about how I struggled with not be happy of the way I looked. I remember saying once, when one of my friends commented on my earrings, “Well because you were wearing earrings” and as soon as I said these words, was like “No don’t say that” and couldn’t come back from it and saw them look at each other, like oh really, and the reason why they were friends was because we all had our own style.

They were more confident than me and seemed to be in jobs that were better than mine and had a lot going for them, whilst I felt inadequate, and they were better than me, and knew more people than me. Which now that is not the case.

I have a lot of friends and going to see some this weekend, and no longer feel that I don’t fit or that I have to be like them, but because I love seeing and hanging out with them, because they are different and feel I got to look a certain way for someone else’s approval.

That is not the case. I have had to learn that noone is out to get me and that feel not good enough because my friends are doing better than me in life and in fact using their success to help me to grow and build my life into one that I like, and accept myself at last.

I like admiring other people and I do have a style icon, Jennifer Aniston, and am influenced, but still remembering her clothes suit her because that is her style and that her body shape and appearance is hers and not mine but can use it to try different looks that potentially suit me and I never going to be Jennifer Aniston. She is her own person, and I am mine, so no longer feel pressure that I have to look a certain way.

Let me know what you think. I like feedback so please leave a comment below. I’d like to take this opportunity to say thank you to my subscribers and welcome if you are new here and please subscribe then you will be alerted each time I post.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

New Cheat Sheet: 7 Things you can do in 10 minutes



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Hello it is Monday again and beginning a new week and for me gets me pumped up to start the week on a good note and plan for the week ahead, and there are things you can do that don’t take too much time and if you don’t want to clean in one day or organize, then break it up and here are things you can do under ten minutes. This is from my own personal experience.

Things you use all the time make them assessable and easy reach for you, but not where if you have children they can get to if really young, and teach your children about cleaning and how to use the cleaning products you have and supervised.

So plan your week and on Mondays I like to go through my finances and plan my writing for the week and editing of books and vlogs and for film for my other channels, and this morning had to finish a form to send. I like to plan and go through what exercise I’d like to do each week and started meal planning again and making sure there is no waster and practice affordable living. Please check out my Youtube channel:


Here I talk about how I manage my finances. It is good to set the week up for success and build and grow as I introduce more good habits that help me stay productive and have good quiet breaks through the day and week.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

The Fear of Failure



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I think it is natural to think the worst, because from experience, think if I don’t worry than I worry if things go wrong and that I let the world down, because I wasn’t prepared. Our feelings can be so strong that we fear stepping another foot forward.

Photo by Liza Summer on Pexels.com

Life can be full of setbacks and things we come across that can knock us off, on our path for the life we want, but not allowing these to get us down and gain control so whatever happens we resilient to set backs.

I was working for a Kids Holiday Club a few years ago and it was tough and the day the Team Manager wasn’t there I was left in charge but my anxiety rose and thankfully the other girl, I asked for her to take charge instead. I felt so stupid, and getting excited of the opportunity I had really failed and that I was useless and there was a lot to do and in the end I didn’t continue with it.

To be fare it wasn’t a very good set up because it was two three playworkers with 15 children which wasn’t for health and safety perspective good and thought there would be more playworkers and more structure. A toilet ended up getting flooded, two brothers were fighting non stop and in the end the company stopped running and so I learned that if I do this again, to find out first if there will be more staff and the ratio of children.

Now though thankfully I didn’t allow it to stop me in building my life and take a different direction and would like to work with children in a educational setting and do more training to do so, and to help children with different needs, making sure I have the right support to do so, and stop jumping in with both feet and gradually build my ambitions to continue in following my dreams.

Also I have started to cook different dinners and changing my eating habits as this is a battle. I haven’t have stopped eating crisps all the time and have cut down on eating chocolate and going for the biscuits and so going to set a plan and reflect on your set backs as it can help you to have a better habits and it could be because they are so easy to reach and eating fruit can be boring and have a lot of vegetables and not snack.

I never want to have type 2 diabetes again and have a more balanced diet so have started planning meals again and still have the food I like but no snacking. I have had a eating disorder and so what to stop fighting over my eating habits but have new habits of having healthier breakfasts, nice lunches and dinners.

I am going to have breakfast later as I am not always that hungry in the mornings and continue my habits such making my bed when I get up, get dressed, get my so ready for school and taking my supplements and other medication I have to take and not battle with my eating habits, as it is tiring. Planning is the key and have been very good and continue to exercise to help be fitter and continue going swimming which I have begun to do again and training indoors.

I didn’t realise I had a Journal APP in my phone and been entering it everyday, and fill it in on want it is concerning me and address my feelings. I still like to write, but find it hard to stick too so now I got this APP makes me make sure I use my Journal APP each day, and use what ever to make things simple and easy access. Reading Atomic Habits has really helped me structure my life and not spend so long on one thing, but break it down and use what is easy access.

So as it is Sunday finishing this blog, going to catch up on Youtube and get ready for the new week ahead. I do vlogs so if you’d like to see these check out my Channel via this link: https://www.youtube.com/@typicallondongal

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Dealing with bad luck



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So this week has been testing as my son has had a tummy bug, and just dropped bar of soap down the toilet, but that’s life we will get bad luck, like missing the bus, being late for a appointment when you left with plenty of time, lost something or the item you wanted in the shop has gone.

There are different forms of bad luck and I was scammed last year by an email making it was PayPal and they were going to take a payment and hacked my laptop, not the one I am using now but one I had before and stopped using it. So if you get any emails like that ignore and never give out any personal details, and contact your bank.

Photo by Andres Ayrton on Pexels.com

You may think “This is typical”, “It is always me” but it’s not. Life is full of challenges and can stop you in your tracks. Yet some good things have happened too. Like a new opportunity, which I am not going to share yet but been something I have wanted to do since a kid and love music, and had recruitment meeting about it and after posting a new blog on my site: My Books and Stories, had ten likes already: https://mybooksandstories.wordpress.com/2024/02/28/develop-stories-to-create-a-book/

Being a parent (check out my, The Parenting Adventures tips and trick), kids will get sick and it was only a small bar or soap and so all I need to do is replace it and made sure Henry is washed and seen a doctor and now on the mend, and for me I feel it is a message to not worry that I haven’t filmed for my Youtube channel or sorted out cupboard upstairs, family comes first and focus on helping my son get better and that its time you slowed down and stop doing 25 things at one time and slow down for your health and wellbeing.

We put some much on our shoulders that we feel bogged down and where we can be like “What’s the point”, but everytime you do that, the more your wellbeing will be affected by not taking action to look after ourselves.

A car needs to stop so you don’t run out of petrol and we can run out of energy because we blame ourselves for bad luck when it is part of life and not allow it to control you, but learn from it to help prevent bad luck. Like putting the soap in a soap dish and when we make sure our kids rest to get over sickness, that you rest too and take care that it not passed on to you and forget emails. with my son being off from school have been spending time cuddling and doing all we can to help each other, and our kids wash their hands and not kissing but just spending time together to get back to normality and he can go back to school and I can get shopping or do other errands and jobs on my tasks list and clean to prevent sickness and infections. Then following the doctors advise and what it states to do online to help get back from sickness.

So never allow bad luck get to you down and share what you do to handle bad luck and tips. You can leave a comment below.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Monthly Newsletter February 2024



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So it is that time, my Newsletter and this month I share, about taking a break, about Easter and how I normally celebrate it each year and ideas of gifts for Mothers day, which in the UK is the 10th March and so I hope you like this edition and if you like my newsletters then to be kept up to date on my projects and content then please subscribe.

These can be downloaded for free not cost, and there is more content to come. If you didn’t know I have three Youtube channels and check out my Pinterest:




Many thanks for reading

Carrie X

Getting back from a break



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It is Monday again and last week it was my sons half term break and now is back to school, I am back setting my tasks for the week.

This weeks Cheat Sheet is about Getting back from a break as it good to forget to do’s and have fun with your kids, and then getting back to the regular routine once the break is over.

I am back from travelling around London and seeing family, which was fun, but now we have to return to work and start a fresh term, and a new chapter.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

When you need to take a break



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Life doesn’t have to be hard and I have learned to listen to my body and work on different areas of my life and show up. I took a break from my blogs and it has been good, and focus on completing my projects like my next book I want to publish, but yesterday I felt wiped out and something I have been trying to stop, and have had a cut off time to get off of my laptop, and that is to finish using my laptop by 2 or 2:30 each day and it has made a difference, but because I had three free days as my son was at a holiday worked on filming and editing vlogs, working on videos on my other Youtube channel, and my books, had to take an earlier break from the laptop and glad I did.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

Listen to your body and be realistic with planning and include breaks. I take exercise breaks when sitting down for a long period of time, so will get up and move my body, by going out for a walk, or use the treadmill and do a workout on my legs and with my dumbells, and getting my body used to walking long distance again and eventually get back into running. I fill this boosts my energy and did go out early yesterday in the morning, so still got things done.

I needed to be off my screen, and watch some TV and was watching Robbie Williams documentary on Netflix and it was good but was falling a sleep and struggled to keep my eyes open and then took Henry to McDonalds and was a nice change, and would like to do this again with my son.

The other thing I did was tidy my bedroom and filmed a vlog and because my son was going to a holiday club as it is half term and it helps get things done, but getting up early takes its toll and feel better for switching off and going to plan a full week to take a break away from filming and off my laptop, and it is good to have a detox away from devices as it can feel to me tiring and feel I need to just take a break.

I was feeling restless and thought that my son had a inset day at school next Monday and I find out that there isn’t so had to contact the taxi company as my son gets transport to school because of distance and is in a Land school, to so wanted to make sure he gets picked up on Monday, and also I am going to be doing a Level Counselling course and so had to do a test for that.

So if you are tired and restless, have low energy take a break to feel better and look after your mind and body as looking after ourselves is very important.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Weekly Cheat Sheet: Having a Super Sunday



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Hello and welcome if you are new to this site! Each week I post a cheat sheet on this blog and my other one http://theparentingadventurestipsandtricks.com and already posted my one for that site, so please check it out, as the passed weeks I have shared the same one, but this week wanted to be different because it is UK School holiday for a week, and I had a good Sunday yesterday and so want to inspire you have good Sunday doing things you don’t always get around in doing in the week, and having fun with friends and family and recharge before a new week.

Please share and they are completely free to download and print.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

New Weekly Cheat Sheet: Ten Minute Habits



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Hello, it is time to start a new week, and means getting our to do’s written on what you want to accomplish today, and in forming good habits, can help with having a good day and week, so check out this weeks, Cheat Sheet which I post on this channel and parenting channel, https://theparentingadventurestipsandtricks.com

Many thanks for reading, and if you wish to share this sheet and blog then please do. Lets work together to help us to enjoy life and getting out life together.

Carrie X

Making life simple and stop getting overwhelmed in getting your life together



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Hi and welcome to my blog! I am posting every Monday a cheat sheets to help you manage your day and manage your life and my one for today is about Making life Simple and stop betting overwhelmed in getting your life together.

I will be posting this on my Parenting blog site: https://theparentingadventurestipsandtricks.com

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

January Newsletter 2024 Getting Organized



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Hi all I hope you are all well! If you are new then each month I post a newsletter about what is coming within my content, and this year each one will have a theme. January’s one is all about Getting organized and setting plans to get tasks done and I am putting my blogs on hold, but will be posting my weekly cheat sheets and newsletter, and will be back in March 2024, with my normal weekly posts of different topics and working on a new platform for my content, so got some good things to look forward to.

So check out this months newsletter and please give your feedback on my newsletters and on this blog of topics you’d like me to cover. You can leave a comment below:

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Cheat sheet: Taking time out for yourself



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Thank you for you viewing on this blog site. I am now creating weekly Cheat Sheets to help you have a better wellbeing and this one is tips on how to Take time out for yourself.

You can share with others who may not know about my blogsite and find these cheat sheets helpful.

Many thank for reading,

Carrie X

Taking a break



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I have decided to take step back from my blogs, to focus on growing other areas, to share content. This won’t be for a long time, and will sharing my cheat sheets I have created still: Check out my Weekly Cheat Sheet and Weekly Cheat Sheet: Wake up in the morning feeling ready for the day on this blog site and my other blog: https://theparentingadventurestipsandtricks.com and posting my first Newsletter for 2024, but not writing new content, to take break and will be back in March, because I will doing my Yearly Life Coaching Programme, Summer Project 2024, and my Autumn Reset.

I do these years from May through to August and my Autumn Reset from September through to October.

Check out my youtube channels, my other blog sites and my Social Media platform:

















Link for my Pinterest:

Social media:



So I hope you understand and there are plenty of blogs to read, and so I will see you soon x

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Making the right choices in 2024



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You have to make the right choices for you. It means saying no, but finding what is right, and if it doesn’t then that is fine. Saying yes because you feel obliged to, is not making the right choice, because you are not doing it for you and if it is going to stress you out and fill you with dread, then means you have to change it and go down a different path. This doesn’t mean you won’t succeed it just there can be many roads to take to reach the things you want to do in your life.

Photo by Madison Inouye on Pexels.com

If it is not for you, then it is not for you. Not everything is going to workout, and if someone says no to you, then that is okay too. Trust yourself in making the right decision, journal or talk to someone who can help you, and reflect on why on this occasion something has not worked out, or doesn’t feel right.

Dip your toe in. Test it out. Research and try it out. There is no harm in giving things a go, before you make your mind up. I remember when I was first looking for work, just leaving school and was interested in working in fitness, and was offered work experience for the day, to see how it felt and it wasn’t for me at that time and wanted to work in a football club, and was successful, and worked at a local football club as a steward and did work experience too helping the Groundsman and then found my office job whilst doing that in London.

I did some football training, with the Fulham ladies and it was only a few sessions, and made me decide that I wanted to coach, and gain experience. I was a little regretful as my confidence really affected me in going, but I am glad I still gave it a try. Twenty or so years later I did an FA qualification whilst working in a call center and got to manage my own team, and learned from it, so it still taught me a lot and now we are in 2024 going to “Grow” which is my word for this year. It was progression but grow fits better and get another book published, do more training and looking for work outside and continue to grow as a writer, and have a lot of great things planned and it is planning that can help decide on where you want to go next in your life that will boost your feelings and raise your happiness, to not allow times when it didn’t workout, affect you, in following your dreams.

I always wanted to write a book, and as a kid I liked writing, but stopped and now found my love again, in writing and now written 5 books, which are on amazon my most recent being a comedy called Mum&Me. I now am writing three books, a book called When Mothers Are Real and Behind the eyes of the other woman, and Mum&Me book 2, and it was by watching TV that I discovered self publishing, and I really enjoy it, and now looking to work outside, and finish my courses I have enrolled on, to help build my knowledge and understanding of the human mind, and children and young people by educating myself, to help grow my blogs and books, to help you my audience, to find happiness and live a life they love.

Listening to the right people, who can give you the right support you need can make all the difference, and there are many ways to train and learn, without it being too much and if it is affordable. Last year via a careers service received some free training and I want to learn more interventions, to help people and getting to know the mind.

Our minds are constant running machines and it can either work for you or against and want to learn about how to, being a mum for example communicate more affecting to my son who had ADHD and is on the Autism Spectrum. Why we can be positive one minute and down the next.

Reading books about topics you want to learn more about, can be really helpful. I am currently on Audible listening to Atomic Habits and want the physical book, I have read to help me with my writing, Save the Cats Write a Novel and again want the physical book because I felt it helped and continue to learn as a writer, and want to do more writing courses.

So, never stop believing in yourself and trust your gut instinct. If you say no that is fine. It is all about what makes us happy, and lowering the expectation we set for ourselves.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Weekly Cheat Sheet: Wake up in the morning feeling ready for the day



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Hi all, and a new week, and I have been sorting out different areas of my life, like going for a morning walk, took an item to be sent for an Etsy order (I will share this soon, just changing items and want to create new products and got many ideas of what I want to create to help further to help people manage their lives that have helped me), and picked up items I needed for today, batteries for my sons portable CD player and a kinder egg. Not so important but is a reward for Henry if he has had a good day at school and no accident at night time.

So I hope this helps you and kick start your week ahead:

There is more to come.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Getting out of my head in 2024



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Hello and happy new year! It is so good that I have a better laptop because my other one was causing so many problems that it really was making me feel frustrated, but stuck with it and my mum got me a new one and so thankful.

Photo by Yan Krukau on Pexels.com

I no longer set resolutions but life changes, and so I managing my mind to make sure I feel calm and if there are challenges by not dwelling on them. I would over analyse everything and that something must have happened for a reason, and would drive myself mad.

It can be draining, like I was watching a live Instagram post, and typed a comment on the live but when I read it back, it didn’t say what I wanted and so I was like, “I hope he doesn’t think I was being rude”, so now I read back what I have written before posting. How many of you have done that? Or texting to the wrong person, or found your phone calling an emergency number?

I hope it isn’t just me?

So, I learn to reflect and learn from it.

It is changing your thought process, and realise that you are only human. So getting out of my head, journal which always helps me and think okay next time I will make sure I check my text and put my phone on lock so if is accidentally sit on it, its not calling anyone.

If you’d like to share your life changes for 2024 then please leave a comment below.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Check out my Weekly Cheat Sheet



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I am from today going to do a Weekly Cheat Sheet, and will be doing them for this blog and for my parenting blog: https://theparentingadventurestipsandtricks.com

They are to help you plan you week and will this week is from today when we get back to normal after Christmas.

Please let me know of other printables you’d like and hope this helps plan you 2024 goals and habits.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Who are you and what do you want to become in 2024?



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It has taken a long time to learn about myself, and who wanted to be. There are days that I still ask myself this question, when things get challenging. For me it is the girl who loves to save, being a mum that sets a good example and play my part in helping others, and looking after those I love and inspire others to become who they want to be.

Photo by Jill Wellington on Pexels.com

I want my life to continue to grow, and want my life to be spending time with my son, watching him grow and support him, so he becomes who he wants to be. When I feel I am being negative, I remind myself that my life is good, and it is up to me to make a difference to my life and like those people have done that for me, and lead me to helping others. My community.

You have to get to grips with of what is really important to you and who. Who makes you feel good about yourself and will give you full support in living the life you want and let your happiness grow.

I like others dreamed of being rich, but now I want to continue to build a writing community and write more books, that touch on real issues, and entertain people through writing and filming videos. I have three Youtube channels, which you can check out via these links:




I want to continue to teach my son and what he has taught me, and go on more walks and explore different places. You don’t have to be rich to do that, but be happy with life for all the wonderful things life gives, not allow setbacks bring you down, and others who may be against you.

Not everyone will like you, and think what you are doing is wrong, but you have to continue on regardless, and allow the critters to make you even more driven to be who you want.

So, it is coming to the end of 2023, and so lets get ready to say goodbye Saying Goodbye to 2023 and kick start 2024. Check out this printable:

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Saying Goodbye to 2023



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Happy new year everyone. I have no plans for New years, so not sure if I will be posting or not, so getting ahead, and it has been a good year for me. Still a few days left, so a few things I want to do before the end of the year, but pleased with how I have been building my life, and that was my word for this year, “Building” and my Youtube channels have grown, by blogs have more followers and got likes, and the same with my social media.

My son changed schools, and has settled in well and making improvements in his learning. Check out my parenting blogs:



I loved the trips I took up London by Uber Boat to North Greenwich and back, and would recommend it, such good fun, and did a trip to and from North Greenwich to Canary Wharf, and from there to Putney, and then had a lovely meal. So, been a good year in terms of travelling and having good times during the school holidays and went to see to AFC Wimbledon play football, and went to Rugby match for free, and so did plenty, and got my book Mum&Me Published on amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Mum-Me-Gucci-Tits-Virtue-ebook/dp/B0BGSS7H9K/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1CHGKKQVIG90X&keywords=mum+%26+me+carrie+holmes&qid=1703490128&sprefix=mum%26me+carrie+holmes%2Caps%2C87&sr=8-1

I enjoyed doing my Autumn Reset, my Life Coaching programme, “Summer Project 2023”, and this will continue on in 2024, dates TBC. I need to decide on videos, for my Life Coaching videos for it, and where I will publish them. I loved the walks me and my son went on and visiting Shepperton. It was so nice and would like to next time walk along the Canal.

Image I took when travelling on Uber Boat, from North Greenwich to Putney.

It was sad about Terry Venables, Kirstie Alley and Len Goodman, and many stars died, like Olivia Newton John, and Matthew Perry. So, so sad.

It reminds me that no one is invisible and you have to live your life where you can smile and enjoy.

We went, my family and I went to more shows, that I wanted to do, like saw Hamilton in the Apollo Theatre in London Victoria, for my birthday and was really good, went to Pub in the park, in Wimbledon Park, and saw Gabrielle, went to see Blippi, a children’s character who was at The Rose in Kingston, and Zog and got more shows to come. I love the London for its shows and going to see more in 2024 and took Henry to the Cinema for the first time, to see Dungeons and Dragons, and was good to see and would recommend it.

I am creating a printable and have more ideas for my content to come, so if you want to be the first to know when I put this up, then follow me and everytime I blog you will be notified.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Setting out goals for 2024



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I started to plan my goals for 2024 this week, and getting ready to kick start the new year, and see what I can accomplish. I have already set my financial goals, and now starting my Personal/Home goals, and then set work goals and then play.

Photo by Markus Winkler on Pexels.com

However set your goals that suit you, as everyone has different things going on in their lives so it isn’t one size fits all. I find some goals over lap, with other goals like Financial goals, example, Pay off debt could be in Financial and Personal/Home goals, along with fitness goals.

So, first of all I like to reflect on the previous year, before getting myself ready for the new year and putting a printable together to help you, and then start planning for the new year.

I use a notepad and OneNote, and set yearly goals and Quarterly goals, and separate them, and also do a vision board on Pinterest, and want to do one using Canva. I have already started on Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/thetypicalLondongal/vision-board-2024/

I like to set goals for my son and things I’d like for him to do, like for example he has a bike for Christmas and want to take him to a cycle park, and get confident in riding his bike, and he wants to use a Tennis court to play tennis, and so, this I would like to put into home. Then there Play where I want to take him to different places on the train, and he actually wants to be a train. Yes we have had many discussions, about this and not sure, it is being heard as my son is very determined, and not getting that he does have wheels or several doors, but I am sure that he will grow out of thinking that he and ride on the train tracks, and can work on the trains.

Then there is work. So it could be, getting a pay rise and work more hours, or less, and have a side hustle, and want to build your career and profession. If you like me, write blogs and books, then it could be write a new book, or complete a book, or do some writing everyday and create it, into a book and get it published. I love creating stories and have many books that I have started, but not continued, and once one ideas comes into my head, so does another, and then it could, doing Voluntary work, or changing careers. It is all about how it makes you feel. If it excites you, then do it, and yes, you can get self doubt, but if it gives you a buzz, I say go for it.

If you’d like to check out my current books, then go to amazon, and look under my names, Carrie Challoner and Carrie Holmes.

So, lets enjoy the rest of 2023, and be ready for 2024.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Finishing 2023/ Time to let go and create new goals and habit/Life Changes for 2024



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It is less than a month away until we reach a 2024, but I am not finished with 2023, and making sure I end the year being thankful and reflect on it, and go over the wins and the non wins and let go of the year, by setting new goals, implement new habits that will help me to grow, and make some more Life Changes, that will build my life up more, and setting myself challenges.

This picture was from when my son, step dad and mum travelled on UberBoat from Canary Wharf to Putney. We’d been to North Greenwich and would love to do this again, and enjoyed exploring my city London and these highlights made my year for me, along with shows I went to and making the most of the things I have around me, and being thankful for 2023, for these wonderful memories that I will look back on with a smile.

I remember my dad used to hate New Years eve, and I even after all these years, and my dad no longer alive, not sure why, but speaking of myself I often felt emotional about it. I felt fear, and all that I hoped for didn’t happen and let myself down. Yet now I feel excited and thankful for the years I have lived.

Looking at 2023, I created another book, that I hope will be published in the New year, and my Youtube channels have been building, please check them out.




I received more subscribers and followers on my blog sites, along with my Instagram, and on Facebook, and got my energy back and not spending too long on my computer and moving. I love going for walks with my son and spending time going to shows and exploring, by going for walks in the morning and indoor workouts in the afternoon and sleeping well, which I have always had trouble with.

It is making simple changes. I know longer have my phone by my bedside when it is bed time, not spending too much time on my laptop, and will use my laptop, when my son has gone to school, and gone for a walk in the morning, and put my phone on silent and get dressed as soon as I get up. Only drinking alcohol at weekends, but even the weekends I won’t have a drink, it depends on what I feel like having and love a cup of tea, and still want to work on my diet and continue getting fit, but reflectoing and going through of what I want to do next, and what I want to let go of.

I want to close this year off as it started on a good note, and got things to look forward too. Like my next book finished, and started to continue writing another book, and going to a birthday party in Bognor and off to see Bruch Springsteen, and the next will be choosing what fundraising walks I want to do, as I really miss doing these, so gonna get back to walking and use it to make a difference to other peoples lives and going to donate cash or products to my local foodbanks. Gonna continue writing to work on content for the new year, and get ready for my Life Coaching programme, “Summer Project 2024”. This is what I created a few years ago, and was very well received, and help you to have a better life and better year.

If you like a comical book, then check out my book Mum&Me and going to be working book 2, and so many writing projects to come, and have a good year, no matter what challenges arise and have plenty to enjoy.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Committing to your life by looking after yourself to help others look after theirs.



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It is coming to the end of 2023 and soon it will be 2024 and it is time to celebrate another year, whether it was good or bad, and there we can’t change whats gone but can start a fresh and let go of regrets and live for each day that you are alive.

I will be setting goals and thinking of the habits I want to continue with, and what I need to change to have more shape in my life and not be so far ahead but enjoy each day the best I can and not thinking all about the future but now. Today I went for a walk and was getting anxious about going and had was having second thoughts, but went and felt so good, and take in my surroundings and check out the shops and managed to buy more gifts and got one more to get, and then I am done, but forget that I need a few things still for my son to buy, but for others, are done for 2023.

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

I do like planning and making lists, but as I grow each day and making sure I am present with my son and other friends and family and let go of the passed, and the wins I have had. I would like to take this opportunity in saying thanks to those subscribng to my blogs on this site and others, and on my Youtube and Instagram and my other sociall media platforms.

I wrote a blog post a while back called Letting it go, Autumn Reset Day 11: Letting things go if there are things that serve no purpose in your life anymore, then let it go, to pass it to someone else, who may want it instead.

Your commitement to your life, is about you before helping someone else and thats not being selfish. I need to make sure I am fully rested to spend time with my son and meet his needs and making sure I wake up to see him off to school and when he comes back, and develop my own knowledge of life, to help support his.

I need to manage my personal hygiene, so my son knows how important it is, and help to stay healthy and helps with my confidence to help his, and that I wake up to start the day on a good knote, so my others around me can feel the same. This world is not for one person but for everyone on it, and that I look after stuff to look after my sons stuff. Helping one another through life challenges and that I get back on my feet to set an example for others to follow.

So, make a commitment to manage your life and that you learn to love yourself to love others.

I have created a new video for my Youtube channel My way of living, about Committing to using up what you already have: https://youtu.be/8fj0u2RHyGY

The other thing is I also write a daily blog now, so if you’d like to read more of my content that I write daily then check it out here: https://mydailythougthsandfeelings.blogspot.com/

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Donating to others for Christmas and plans for 2024 to raise money for good causes



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Since a kid I have loved donating to others and when we had a fete on the housing estate I lived in Hammersmith, I would donate clothes for the jumble sale they had, and loved giving to good causes.

Photo by RDNE Stock project on Pexels.com

I would watch and donate to Children in Need and Comic Relief and now I want t help out in food banks and donate food and would like to do a monthly haul to give away to a local food bank, to feed families in the UK and the other countries and make a real difference.

Or donate money to them to help feed families and homes, that can’t afford groceries in supermarkets as the prices increase. How is somebody able to live when everything is going up and increasing.? More should be done.

Next year I am going to do walks again for Charity and raise money for good causes. I loved doing this and helps me get fit and grow myself, so why not join me. If you have tips on fundrsaising then please comment below, I love sharing knowledge to help give support and build a community that gives us all a boost to live our lives the best we can and make a difference.

I am gong to begin by buying food that someone can have for at Christmas and be able to buy a contribute in having a Christmas meal or things like Mince Pies and tinned vegetables and something that have long shelf life, and still celebrate, rather than just having whatever meal they have, to feed their family and donate things like Crackers and Puddings, and just making sure they can still enjoy the seasion, and buy a gift to donate for chilidren that may not have one, because of their parents not able to buy them a gift, and often the Supermarkets will have a Christmas appeal to help feed families, So check them out.

So, lets give and change the world and its poverty.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Getting from A to B in life



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Just to let you know I write a daily blog now, that I did before and then took a break, but wanted to get back into posting on that blog site, because I enjoy it and sharing many things. Here is a link: https://mydailythougthsandfeelings.blogspot.com/

A picture I took from this weekend as I write this book, and visited Wimbledon Common on a Winter walk

If you didn’t know I have uploaded a new Newsletter so here is the link to that: November Newsletter 2023 I post one each month, and so check it out.

So getting from A to B. We spend a lot of time rushing around, travelling to different places and means dealing with delays on transport, the weather and errands you can’t avoid like getting ready for the different seasons, and Christmas can be so stressful that can make us become humbugs. Then there is dealing with emails, appointments and getting ready, if you have Children ready for school. So getting to A to B in life can come with many hurdles.

We will face challenges in our lives, and there is no avoiding them. Getting through childhood I found was hard, because I did find it hard to make friends and get to grips with things that happened, through childhood, like people dying, I didn’t understand life and death, and feared it for a while. I would live in a daydream a lot, and wished I spent more time taking it all in, and appreciated the things we did, like the weekends, where I’d played at my nans houses, did dancing lessons, whilst my brother played football. This was each weekend at a local recreation ground. We would spend time in pubs and all I wanted to do was go back home, and when those times stopped I really missed them. Those days were great and would be around lots of people that made me laugh and this was before the internet and social media and would go on some really good fun holidays. We’d go round to peoples homes, and stayed over, or they came round to us, and would squabble, trying to torment my brother a lot, and we’d have toy fights and would go to birthday parties and Christenings and it was such a brilliant time, and thanks to social media I have got back in touch with people, from those times and thankful for that.

When it comes to school and doing homework I couldn’t wait to those days to be over. Thinking and understanding my life, I actually did alright, and writing that, its the first time I felt that it was okay, and it was only the food at school that was bad, thinking about Primary School. Going on day trips, and spending time with friends and make the most of what we had in the UK, being British. It was my confidence that affected me, and feeling like I was climbing up a mountain and not making it up to the top, unless it came to playing sports or dancing, and because I would do badly in tests and remember dreading Secondary School, being so different to primary school.

I did go on to the sixth form year of my school, and felt I had a good level of freedom, but to be honest I had enough of education, and then started working, and I did write a blog about how I found work life, was good for me, and my knowledge of the world thrived and enjoyed the working environment and started going out around London, and on the first full time job, was taken from London to Lille on The Euro star and, parts I found hard, it wasn’t always great, but loved the fact I was earning my own money and forming relationships that was fun, and I am so glad I had that time to just enjoy my teens and early twenties.

It is important to enjoy the early years and when it comes to Christrmas, to embrace the people you love in your life and not worrying about it being better than the last, which I often have felt, because life isn’t a competition, and getting rid of resentment and begruding each other success, is important, because that is only going to flare other negative emotions and can lead you being alone. Pay each other compliments and really listening to people and celebrate each others achievements and how they are building their life.

Live life together and stop knocking it down.

If you feel your life is going backwards then Reset, and Relfect. This is where keeping a journal helps, going through things that you feel is causing you to have these feelings. That is what they are, feelings that can be controlled. This is where my Autumn Reset can help, and help finish tasks, to then start a fresh, and I will go through my lists and set a plan to get things finished, making sure I leave time to have some fun. Weekends I spend with my son, having plenty of exercise, watching TV I don’t always get to watch, in the week and just having time to hug, kiss and take in every minute. Life can be tiring, and it okay to be tired, we are all human, and that we spend time having a nice hot bath, read a book, doing some retail therapy, and not to be buy clothes but food we love to eat, stuff to decoarate our homes with and buying new things for our kids and bringing smiles to everyone in your life, faces.

Getting to A to B in life shapes you, depending on the paths you have chosen and if things haven’t worked out, brush yourself off and carry on.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Get ahead of yourself



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15 powerful quotes to change the way you think about time and ...

Hello and welcome to another blog on Everyone Can build a castle. First of all I would like to say a massive thank you to those who are now following my blog it means so much to me, I couldn’t have gotten through the lockdown without you.

Now we have some normality, some kids in the UK have now returned to school, it is time to get ahead of yourself. I am going to spend time to batch blog tonight so I have plenty to post this week, we still have upon us.

There is still so much I want to share that I want to make sure I get it out by the end of the week.

  • My first tip to get ahead of yourself, is to do anything you can do the night before even if you spent 10-15 minutes on something, if it sets you up ready for the next day.
  • Prioritize and separate your to do list, this helps to break your tasks down and not see too much. The bigger the list the less we get down, the smaller the list the more chance you have of getting it done.
  • Add to your schedule a 5 to 30 minute tea break and use this to catch up on TV or Youtube or listen to an audio book or practice mindfulness.
  • Use the extra time you have in the morning to do some cleaning rather leaving it to when you get back from the school run. I find the less I have to do during the time my son is at school in terms of housework or getting myself ready for the day, as I don’t enjoy it, the more I can focus on the work I do enjoy, such as my writing.
  • Spend 10-30 minutes pottering around starting from the top to bottom or bottom to top and just go around making the beds, cleaning an area, putting a load of washing on or washing up, just to have a break from the computer and straighten out the home without little effort
  • Spend travelling time to practice being in the now rather than hiding your face away on your phone and take in your surroundings. We can get so buried in our phones and laptops that we rarely breath and take in our environment, so spend some time doing this as this stops your head getting over loaded.
  • Write down each task you complete so you can get to see how much you can truly get done in a day and week. You will be surprised with yourself of how much you can complete when you set your mind to it.

So lets make the most of the free time we have now, that our children are back to school, and stay safe.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X