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Life can take many routes and before you know you see doom and gloom. There is no point getting up because soon enough it will be time to get back in bed, and the days are just fading away. This can lead us feeling that we are no good to the world, that we have nowhere to go and slip further down and that there is no use in living, as this is all you have to look forward to.

Planning your life: Create a plan for yourself, like if you have wanted to write a book, like I did then create a writing plan and do a bit a day or if your house is cluttered, create a plan to declutter one area a day and time yourself.

Feeling unaccomplished: Write down all the things you would like to accomplish, and start with home, then work and then play. By doing this you will see, that these are actually goals you’ve as often we think goals are running 5k in the morning, which is fine, but breaking it down makes it easier to accomplish and not piling to much pressure on yourself. As yourself, what you want your life to look like? Check out the printable I created for you: My Life Coaching Programme “Summer Project 2024” helping you have a better year and a better life is coming at the start of May 2024

Find your word: My word last year was Build because that is what I wanted last year, and build my content, build the relationship with my son and others, and build my knowledge and so did some courses to help with that, as I have had mental health issues and wanted to help others who may have had mental health problems and reach out. This year is it grow, which some may say is the same thing as build, for me building I think about bricks and grow I think about a seed. For me I needed to build my life up to make room for growth, and has helped me create projects like this one and I wrote a daily blog which I shared on my daily blog: https://mydailythougthsandfeelings.blogspot.com/2024/04/learningbuilding-your-knowledge-and.html

Making choices: Do you want to feel low about yourself all your life? When I read a book by Paul McKenna it asked this question and made me think, no I don’t. I need to get out of the bed, and get dressed, not wasting my life lying hear feeling sorry for myself. So address, using my work book, of what areas of your life you are not happy with and make the choice, to be happy or not to be happy.

Reduce your consumption of negativity: I try to avoid watching things on TV that are overly violent, or has a lot of blood in, as it can affect me. As a kid I avoided horror films because it would effect my sleep and so now I will listen to true stories, but it depends on what it is and selective on what I consume online. Now I do that, I feel better and the same with certain music.

I love my life now. It has taken a lot for me to feel this way and we all deserve to feel like this. I hope you find these tips help you and remember to check out my Pinterest and social media platforms as I have content on there too, for this years Summer Project Programme.

I have filmed a video sharing my printable, I created, https://youtu.be/-E2LmAU0xBg and will be creating videos to go up on my New Educational Youtube channel: CarrieEducationalYoutube-ws4xp

Link for my Pinterest:

Social media:



Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X