Believe in your own mind by making changes to your lifestyle



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I am a typical Libra as I can be super decisive and weigh things up, a lot.

I often will let someone else decide and it drives me insane, and often the person.

Photo by Tara Winstead on

I have learned to trust myself which is helping me believe in my own mind, and journaling and learning from others. Following good habits like seeing I can be organized, tidy and letting things go, and trying to change my hoarding and be ruthless and prioritizing.

Yes still a long way to go, when it comes to not hoarding, yet I have reined myself in and realising that I can save and not buy anything else, until I go through clothes that I still not worn or toiletries and beauty and stationary. I write a blog called Carries Versatile Fashion, and have Youtube channel where I talk about managing my money, and using what I have got, before buying anything else ( . I enjoy building my wardrobe, having plenty of shower gels and make up, but if they are taking up too much space then, I know I need to use or let go. I know in my mind I can do that.

I believe that I can write a book and publish it. I can look after my body and mind, by exercising, but doing less to achieve more. Being kind to myself, by not criticizing myself all the time. Not giving myself a hard time If I make a mistake or when there are daily challenges, like yesterday I got caught out in the rain, still enjoyed the walk I like to do and achieved my tasks for the day.

It can be an event that can influence your thoughts, like when Princess Diana died it made me get off my arse and do something useful and made me see that you can’t waste life. Life changes come with changes to your own thoughts with yourself and others. I know if I just sit in front of my laptop for too long, loose concentration and get restless, and taking a break can influence your mind, and noticing your thoughts to rest and do something else. The mind likes variety not doing the same thing all of the time, and mixing it up so you feel good each day and now I write in my journal on my phone everyday on my thoughts and feelings and in my notebook journal, where I write about what has made me happy each day.

This helps believe my own mind and trust my instincts. I was working on my Life Coaching course and some of what the course covers is self doubt, and how you need self doubt to overcome it, like when I write a blog I often think “Should I post it or not?” but this stirs me on to get it done and part of building a blog is to write it and learn from each post, what type of audience do I want to get in touch with on my blog and how they respond to it, making sure it isn’t offensive, but real life.

I believe in my mind in a way that I reduce worrying. At one point I would live by my worrying and it can be so draining. I know for my mind to function well to eliminate feelings of worry, by taking action. Like I feel anxious about getting my son ready for school, so I will get up early now, to do a bit of work on the computer as at the moment he will sleep on passed 5am now, but after 6am and do his breakfast or his dad will, and not rushing around, but give myself enough time to look after myself in the morning to help get my son ready for school, and plan each day, so things get done and not playing catch up that can cause me to worry.

In the evenings I will make sure that I not on my laptop too late and listen to my mind when it gets tired and being on my laptop in the evenings would make my mind active again and would struggle in getting to sleep that would affect my mind the next day and so will read, get myself and my son ready for bed and will do stories and I sleep better than I have ever done. I do take medication to help too, but lowering my mental activity on my phone and laptop in the evenings, has helped too.

I do write a daily blog so if you’d like to check it out then please do, here is a link: My Daily Thoughts and feelings (

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Weekly Cheat Sheet: Getting back from the Holidays



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Hello and welcome to Everyone can build a castle. This is my weekly Cheat Sheet that I post every Monday and this one is all about Getting back from the Holidays. I also posted this on my blog site: The Parenting Adventures tips and tricks.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Weekly Cheat Sheet: Getting a good nights sleep



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It is half term and last night was kept awake as my son wanted to chatter all night.

I thought this weeks cheat sheet could be tips on Getting a good nights sleep.

It is completely free.

Many thanks for reading

Carrie X

Being lazy does it have a purpose?



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The idea of this blog, was this morning when I woke up around 4am and for the first time since I begun getting up between 4:30am to 5am, wondering about going back to bed, but I find when I sleep on I feel more tired.

I am like this new habit, of waking up early, check out my blog I’ve become an early bird But that little voice was like “Are you sure?” and responded in my head “Yes”.

Photo by Alena Shekhovtcova on

Well I have had psychosis and so hearing voices isn’t new, but no its that critic that comes from the brain, that everyone has, and tests you and annoys you. There are people who can block this out, because we look at our beds, as if we may not return, but it has really changed my habits, and making progress of building a life I love and enjoy each day, no matter what the day brings.

As a kid I was a terrible sleeper, but due to my body clock, I would still wake up early and my idea of lying in, didn’t happen. I got to the point where I would worry about not getting a good nights sleep and it had bad affects and I understand now why many successful people go to bed at the same time every night and wake up, at the same time.

I am sleeping so well and my son now is started to sleep in. This may change, as having children, they can be unpredictable, since 2 months old (now he is 10) wakes up early, but this week he has slept on. This morning he woke up around 6:45am which is late for him.

There was a time I’d have lazy days, and staying in bed all day, not gotten dressed and I know people who still love doing that and that is okay, and part of me misses those times, so perhaps start having these days again, but at the moment like being active and getting up with a nice cup of tea getting some writing done. Not saying I wouldn’t do it again, but now and then, watching some movies with popcorn, homemade pizzas and a drink of choice. Or have a sort out wearing slacks. Catching up on cleaning tasks and still have a shower but put on some nice PJ’s and still feel like you have still kind of, made an effort.

A lady called Mel Robbins, is to do nothing and just rest. Jordan Page, talks about taking naps and there was a time when working at a Holiday Camp where I would nap in the day but when I did I would feel groggy and be confused with the time of the day, so I don’t nap. My brother can easily sit on the sofa and snooze like my husband, and in the mornings it would take me ages to wake and be lazy watching TV on the sofa and found it hard to kick start my day.

So being lazy can help with recharging batteries and it is good to just take a break from whatever you feel you need a break from and get back on the road and carry on once refreshened. Listen to the body. Our body are machines and it is important that we look after it. We are not here to be on the go all of the time, but take on experiences, where you can take a breath and feel the air coming into the body and out. We need to watch that TV series or read a book, or meditate. So I will still be lazy when I feel I need to do nothing and switch off as I do find that hard to do, and just live, be happy and take it step by step.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Weekly Cheat Sheet: Planning for the Summer



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Yes it is officially Summer here in the UK as the clocks move forward and so here are some tips on planning for the summer.

I hope you have had a good easter so far, my mum is hosting an Easter Egg hunt today, so spending time with family and I will be planning activities and trips to different places for the holidays and will be posting more and I do film vlogs. Please check out my Youtube channel: Typical London gal:

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Putting Yourself First



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How many of us struggle with that, Putting yourself first?

We feel guilty when our kids want us to play but we want to catch up on resting as you come home from work or been doing chores, and want a nice hot bath or shower.

Photo by Vlada Karpovich on

You need that time, and today as it is Easter Sunday going to have a day indoors which is something I do often, and get ready for the week and adjusting to the time, as the clocks went forward last night and set a day or time for yourself in the day or week and develop or buy a “Do not disturb” sign on the door.

My son and my husband are going to get their hair cut and I am going to take a bath, do a bit of sorting out and continue to plan for the week, do a walk on the treadmill and read. I want to go through my finances and I have already worked on my book this morning, and continue filming a vlog, and having that time just helps me to get myself in shape to get more bits done and take my time.

Why do we rush around? Because we haven’t allowed ourself time to fully wake up, we have no plan for the day and accept that we are that kind of person that is always late, yet if you allow yourself to wake up by having that time for your first cup of tea in the Morning, planning for the day and say I can be on time and late just adds stress and panic. Do you want to keep getting stressed or have peace?

I am not saying I have never been late, because relying on public transport not easy now I stay in two different places, pre plan, by checking the timetables of the train and bus, and print off a map and if I can walk I will, and I will leave extra early.

Do what it takes for your life to be easier, as stress can have health implications, and so it is important to help your wellbeing aswell as others, and so now it is Easter and your not having to do the school run have your kids help with chores and their care, depending on the age, and have that time to do what ever helps you to have a stress free day.

Sorting stuff out. This may sound counterproductive but no. It can be a lower level task, with some music or audiobook sitting down and clear out a bag or a draw, just pottering around, which is one of my favourite things. I am going to sort out the closet in the guest bedroom. Doing a sort out can really make a huge difference to our feelings and emotions, because we can easily procrastinate and put it off, but just builds and builds. I feel weighed down by stuff and have changed my hoarding habit as if you think it is unnecessary spending, check this video out where I talk about this, to wanting minimal, and do my bit to reduce waste.

I wrote a blog yesterday on my blogsite, Organize4thebetter

I also like to go to a coffee shop to do some writing, on some days when my son is at school or go and get bits of shopping. I like creating ideas for dinner as this is my favourite meal of the day and like time when it is me cooking dinner, spend time listening to music and sing, or an audiobook. My step dad does this when he is cooking, and I am lucky because when I am in Wimbledon, where I live, I rarely have to do the cooking. I will help with washing up instead and tiding my bedroom there too and this week when I am there, going to be sorting this out more too, and yes I will film it. Check out Vlog channel:

So just take that time and enjoy the Easter Holidays and if you’d like to be notified when I post a blog on here, then click subscribe and you will, and please check out my Pinterest where I post my content along with my Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

Link for my

Social media:

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

I’ve become a early bird and feel revitalized



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I hope you are having a good week, and if you didn’t know I am a mum and a writer and I do a yearly Life Coaching programme, and it is the Summer Project and is to help you have a better life and better year, and will write and create blogs and videos and is completely free and will begin from the first of May to August 2024. So more information to come.

Photo by Miriam Alonso on

So I now have changed my habit in the morning that I get up between 4 and 5am in the morning and it was a goal I actually made, because I knew it would help me, when I did for a while, but started to struggle to do so, and it just happened. It was last week when I didn’t sleep well, and woke up at 4:30am fully awake and ready for the day and had energy like I have never known it.

It is funny because I am not a morning person and not sure if this my life now getting up so early and before then, my son would be getting me out of bed even when my alarm went off would have to have 5 extra minutes to gather myself to get up. Now though feel like I have finally got my sleep under control and getting more done, exercised and feel so elated by this new habit.

I have been writing about it in my daily blog I write:

This is not to make anyone feel bad, because it is what suits you, but to show that your life can work out to how you wish it to be and can happen naturally, and so yes wanted to share because we feel we have to force ourselves to develop new habits, when they can just happen.

Grab your reins and pull yourself back.

There have been times when I have had to grab my reins to stop myself in going full steam ahead and get burn out but now since last week, I have not rushed, which has lead me to feel less stressed and got control of my anxiety and anxiousness. Before, when getting up later would find time speeding ahead and trying to complete my tasks each day to then come crashing down, and feel totally exhausted.

Who can relate to that?

Let go of the pressure and let your life lead you, and stop feeling that we have to be in control of our lives all of the time and not allow life to take its course.

Stop trying to meet others expectations of you.

Take your time.

Listen to your body.

Then honestly before you know you will be living the life you want and be the person you want, develop natural habits that makes your life better than ever, and achieve your goals and to do’s, have time for your kids and more time for you, to have down time and one of Mel Robbins tips is to do have time doing nothing, and the other habit I have started is to journal and write down what I have been happy about each day.

So live and grow, and lets support each other to grow and make love as happy as possible.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Getting ready for the week ahead



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So it is Monday once again and it means getting set up for the week. If you didn’t know I have a daily blog site if you’d like to check it out:

My Daily Thoughts and feelings (

I set up my week by using my diary, One Note and my Journal, and like to plan my writing and editing of my books using my Filofax, get a vlog edited (my vlogging channel is:

I plan the video for my other Youtube channel, which is all about How I like to manage my money, to help give tips in the relationships I have had financially and giving tips on spending and saving. Check out here:

Setting up for the week, making sure I check what appointments I have. This morning I went through the fridge to go through the food for the week and when the food in the fridge have got to be used by, so nothing goes to waste and exercise and making sure I take breaks and spend time with my son when he comes home and managing and working on many different projects, helps to be in the right mindset, avoiding procrastination and missing anything that has to be done, which is top priority.

Please check out my new Cheat sheet for the week which is about Planning your week:

I plan what clothes I am going to wear and make sure I do some self care, like my skincare, shower or bath and winding down for the evening with a good book.

So I hope you find these tips helpful and I also post my cheat sheets at the beginning of the week are posted to my blog site: The parenting adventures | Easy Flexible Parenting (

There is more posts to come and at the weekend started to plan more for my Life Coaching programme I do every year and started two years ago and did get real good feedback and help you have a better life and a better year, and grow each year.

So if you’d like to be kept up to date on my content here on this blog then please subscribe as it really helps me continue to build this blog site and help others have a happy and positive life. Check these platforms for more of my content, and can follow me on these too, along with other blog sites.

Link for my Pinterest:

Social media:

Also write books, so if you’d like to check these out also then go to my Pinterest site and look under My Books and are available from there.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

I just needed my coffee



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So today I plan to go up to London, and as always my inner critic is like, what if there is a problem with the trains as I looked there was, but was the wrong train. Now have my coffee and feel that is all I needed to ignore that inner voice. I am going to as I get up there going to write my notes for my Youtube channel: My Way of Living.

Photo by Chevanon Photography on

I was going to go by bus, but means catching three buses and didn’t feel like it, but going to travel back by bus. As I vision myself travelling to London, come the thoughts of what if I run out of battery on my phone as I like to listen to something whilst travelling, but I am taking a book and now I have my coffee getting rid of the negative voice in my head, to listen to my positive voice.

I am meeting my mum for lunch and sent her a message after realizing that I was looking at the wrong train and going to be go through some forms, to apply for my son to do an after school club at his school and one is to sort out my income. I like travelling to London, and know its my anxiety talking and know that its just protecting me and I am letting it control me, rather than me controlling it.

That inner voice when I think about it is like a barrier coming down and need to say “Hey, don’t put that barrier in front of me, I know what is out there that can happen and not go as planned but what if it goes okay? and get the things I need to do, done?”

So, I am going to not allow my negative thoughts gain control and enjoy my day, and as I am writing and finishing this blog listening to a Mel Robbins Podcast, and it things like that, that I enjoy that helps me think positively:

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

March Newsletter 2024 Getting ready for Easter and what is coming up in my content



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Hi yes it is that time again. My Monthly newsletter. I post it on this site each month of special dates and seasons and keeping you up to date with my content and what is coming up as we now are in Spring.

There are ideas of good food to make for the Easter Season and places to go, and planning for Easter and good activities you can do.

Please let me know of what you’d like me to feature in my newsletters and you can keep up to date with all my blogs and content by subscribing.

Have a great rest of the week.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X