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So this week has been testing as my son has had a tummy bug, and just dropped bar of soap down the toilet, but that’s life we will get bad luck, like missing the bus, being late for a appointment when you left with plenty of time, lost something or the item you wanted in the shop has gone.

There are different forms of bad luck and I was scammed last year by an email making it was PayPal and they were going to take a payment and hacked my laptop, not the one I am using now but one I had before and stopped using it. So if you get any emails like that ignore and never give out any personal details, and contact your bank.

Photo by Andres Ayrton on Pexels.com

You may think “This is typical”, “It is always me” but it’s not. Life is full of challenges and can stop you in your tracks. Yet some good things have happened too. Like a new opportunity, which I am not going to share yet but been something I have wanted to do since a kid and love music, and had recruitment meeting about it and after posting a new blog on my site: My Books and Stories, had ten likes already: https://mybooksandstories.wordpress.com/2024/02/28/develop-stories-to-create-a-book/

Being a parent (check out my, The Parenting Adventures tips and trick), kids will get sick and it was only a small bar or soap and so all I need to do is replace it and made sure Henry is washed and seen a doctor and now on the mend, and for me I feel it is a message to not worry that I haven’t filmed for my Youtube channel or sorted out cupboard upstairs, family comes first and focus on helping my son get better and that its time you slowed down and stop doing 25 things at one time and slow down for your health and wellbeing.

We put some much on our shoulders that we feel bogged down and where we can be like “What’s the point”, but everytime you do that, the more your wellbeing will be affected by not taking action to look after ourselves.

A car needs to stop so you don’t run out of petrol and we can run out of energy because we blame ourselves for bad luck when it is part of life and not allow it to control you, but learn from it to help prevent bad luck. Like putting the soap in a soap dish and when we make sure our kids rest to get over sickness, that you rest too and take care that it not passed on to you and forget emails. with my son being off from school have been spending time cuddling and doing all we can to help each other, and our kids wash their hands and not kissing but just spending time together to get back to normality and he can go back to school and I can get shopping or do other errands and jobs on my tasks list and clean to prevent sickness and infections. Then following the doctors advise and what it states to do online to help get back from sickness.

So never allow bad luck get to you down and share what you do to handle bad luck and tips. You can leave a comment below.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X