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I hope you are having a good week, and if you didn’t know I am a mum and a writer and I do a yearly Life Coaching programme, and it is the Summer Project and is to help you have a better life and better year, and will write and create blogs and videos and is completely free and will begin from the first of May to August 2024. So more information to come.

Photo by Miriam Alonso on Pexels.com

So I now have changed my habit in the morning that I get up between 4 and 5am in the morning and it was a goal I actually made, because I knew it would help me, when I did for a while, but started to struggle to do so, and it just happened. It was last week when I didn’t sleep well, and woke up at 4:30am fully awake and ready for the day and had energy like I have never known it.

It is funny because I am not a morning person and not sure if this my life now getting up so early and before then, my son would be getting me out of bed even when my alarm went off would have to have 5 extra minutes to gather myself to get up. Now though feel like I have finally got my sleep under control and getting more done, exercised and feel so elated by this new habit.

I have been writing about it in my daily blog I write: https://mydailythougthsandfeelings.blogspot.com/

This is not to make anyone feel bad, because it is what suits you, but to show that your life can work out to how you wish it to be and can happen naturally, and so yes wanted to share because we feel we have to force ourselves to develop new habits, when they can just happen.

Grab your reins and pull yourself back.

There have been times when I have had to grab my reins to stop myself in going full steam ahead and get burn out but now since last week, I have not rushed, which has lead me to feel less stressed and got control of my anxiety and anxiousness. Before, when getting up later would find time speeding ahead and trying to complete my tasks each day to then come crashing down, and feel totally exhausted.

Who can relate to that?

Let go of the pressure and let your life lead you, and stop feeling that we have to be in control of our lives all of the time and not allow life to take its course.

Stop trying to meet others expectations of you.

Take your time.

Listen to your body.

Then honestly before you know you will be living the life you want and be the person you want, develop natural habits that makes your life better than ever, and achieve your goals and to do’s, have time for your kids and more time for you, to have down time and one of Mel Robbins tips is to do have time doing nothing, and the other habit I have started is to journal and write down what I have been happy about each day.

So live and grow, and lets support each other to grow and make love as happy as possible.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X