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I am a typical Libra as I can be super decisive and weigh things up, a lot.

I often will let someone else decide and it drives me insane, and often the person.

Photo by Tara Winstead on Pexels.com

I have learned to trust myself which is helping me believe in my own mind, and journaling and learning from others. Following good habits like seeing I can be organized, tidy and letting things go, and trying to change my hoarding and be ruthless and prioritizing.

Yes still a long way to go, when it comes to not hoarding, yet I have reined myself in and realising that I can save and not buy anything else, until I go through clothes that I still not worn or toiletries and beauty and stationary. I write a blog called Carries Versatile Fashion, and have Youtube channel where I talk about managing my money, and using what I have got, before buying anything else (https://www.youtube.com/@mywayofliving1602) . I enjoy building my wardrobe, having plenty of shower gels and make up, but if they are taking up too much space then, I know I need to use or let go. I know in my mind I can do that.

I believe that I can write a book and publish it. I can look after my body and mind, by exercising, but doing less to achieve more. Being kind to myself, by not criticizing myself all the time. Not giving myself a hard time If I make a mistake or when there are daily challenges, like yesterday I got caught out in the rain, still enjoyed the walk I like to do and achieved my tasks for the day.

It can be an event that can influence your thoughts, like when Princess Diana died it made me get off my arse and do something useful and made me see that you can’t waste life. Life changes come with changes to your own thoughts with yourself and others. I know if I just sit in front of my laptop for too long, loose concentration and get restless, and taking a break can influence your mind, and noticing your thoughts to rest and do something else. The mind likes variety not doing the same thing all of the time, and mixing it up so you feel good each day and now I write in my journal on my phone everyday on my thoughts and feelings and in my notebook journal, where I write about what has made me happy each day.

This helps believe my own mind and trust my instincts. I was working on my Life Coaching course and some of what the course covers is self doubt, and how you need self doubt to overcome it, like when I write a blog I often think “Should I post it or not?” but this stirs me on to get it done and part of building a blog is to write it and learn from each post, what type of audience do I want to get in touch with on my blog and how they respond to it, making sure it isn’t offensive, but real life.

I believe in my mind in a way that I reduce worrying. At one point I would live by my worrying and it can be so draining. I know for my mind to function well to eliminate feelings of worry, by taking action. Like I feel anxious about getting my son ready for school, so I will get up early now, to do a bit of work on the computer as at the moment he will sleep on passed 5am now, but after 6am and do his breakfast or his dad will, and not rushing around, but give myself enough time to look after myself in the morning to help get my son ready for school, and plan each day, so things get done and not playing catch up that can cause me to worry.

In the evenings I will make sure that I not on my laptop too late and listen to my mind when it gets tired and being on my laptop in the evenings would make my mind active again and would struggle in getting to sleep that would affect my mind the next day and so will read, get myself and my son ready for bed and will do stories and I sleep better than I have ever done. I do take medication to help too, but lowering my mental activity on my phone and laptop in the evenings, has helped too.

I do write a daily blog so if you’d like to check it out then please do, here is a link: My Daily Thoughts and feelings (mydailythougthsandfeelings.blogspot.com)

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X