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It is coming to the end of 2023 and soon it will be 2024 and it is time to celebrate another year, whether it was good or bad, and there we can’t change whats gone but can start a fresh and let go of regrets and live for each day that you are alive.

I will be setting goals and thinking of the habits I want to continue with, and what I need to change to have more shape in my life and not be so far ahead but enjoy each day the best I can and not thinking all about the future but now. Today I went for a walk and was getting anxious about going and had was having second thoughts, but went and felt so good, and take in my surroundings and check out the shops and managed to buy more gifts and got one more to get, and then I am done, but forget that I need a few things still for my son to buy, but for others, are done for 2023.

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

I do like planning and making lists, but as I grow each day and making sure I am present with my son and other friends and family and let go of the passed, and the wins I have had. I would like to take this opportunity in saying thanks to those subscribng to my blogs on this site and others, and on my Youtube and Instagram and my other sociall media platforms.

I wrote a blog post a while back called Letting it go, Autumn Reset Day 11: Letting things go if there are things that serve no purpose in your life anymore, then let it go, to pass it to someone else, who may want it instead.

Your commitement to your life, is about you before helping someone else and thats not being selfish. I need to make sure I am fully rested to spend time with my son and meet his needs and making sure I wake up to see him off to school and when he comes back, and develop my own knowledge of life, to help support his.

I need to manage my personal hygiene, so my son knows how important it is, and help to stay healthy and helps with my confidence to help his, and that I wake up to start the day on a good knote, so my others around me can feel the same. This world is not for one person but for everyone on it, and that I look after stuff to look after my sons stuff. Helping one another through life challenges and that I get back on my feet to set an example for others to follow.

So, make a commitment to manage your life and that you learn to love yourself to love others.

I have created a new video for my Youtube channel My way of living, about Committing to using up what you already have: https://youtu.be/8fj0u2RHyGY

The other thing is I also write a daily blog now, so if you’d like to read more of my content that I write daily then check it out here: https://mydailythougthsandfeelings.blogspot.com/

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X