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Photo by Ivan Samkov on Pexels.com

If you feel like your life isn’t going anywhere and feeling unaccomplished, then I am sure you may have heard others say to you, “Staying in four walls isn’t going to help”. This was my advise, but now I have changed my mind, because it is feels good when you don’t have to go anywhere sometimes and sort out the home instead. I like fresh air, going for walks and visiting different places and planning walks that I can do when my son, when he is off for the summer holidays, and just have that time together with no plan but just venturing out and taking in my surroundings. This can be such good fun. Having someone who you can share moments with like walking or going on holiday, making it a regular thing, can really boost your mind and energy.

As a child we used to go camping down a friends land they had and sit around the bonfire, and playing games, visiting a lovely country pub that had a jukebox and billiard table, or go to the races. I loved it.

Now though I do like to spend some days in, to catch up on doing some sorting out and pottering around.

It depends on the circumstances, of course if you have an illness then getting out can be hard, so spend sometime visiting someone who is stuck at home because of an illness then however much it may upset you, seeing you can really mean a lot, even if it is for half an hour or so. I remember when my nan could not go out, and was bed ridden, and spending time with her, meant the world to me, but I also miss those times we spent time walking outdoors. We would spend time at a local market, going to the betting shop and would take a trip to Heathrow to see the planes take off and land but then going back to her flat, we would play card games or a board game, and enjoy some TV quiz shows and soaps.

I loved my nan to bits and she looked after me as a kid, so I saw it as its my turn to help her. My grandparents were a massive part of my life. If you feel stuck not seeing anybody, then there are organisations where you can befriend someone, and I have spoken about this before but can really be rewarding and helps you get out of the house, when you don’t want to be indoors.

It is balance and doing what is going to make you want to get up and have a day where you not have in a rush and just having a nice cup at home, doing some laundry and cleaning can then stir us to then go outside. If I want a No Spend day, check out my youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@financiallivingI find stopping in some days helps with that, and yes can online shop but make sure I have tasks each day to do at home so I don’t get bored and buy something online. I like to use the treadmill to help make sure I get exercise each day, and do indoor workouts with my dumbells and exercise mat.

I hope this blog helps you and remember to subscribe if you want to be kept up to date with my blog and projects and will be back next with a blog too, and will be making more videos on my Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@CarrieEducationalYoutube-ws4xp

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X