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Hello it is Monday again and beginning a new week and for me gets me pumped up to start the week on a good note and plan for the week ahead, and there are things you can do that don’t take too much time and if you don’t want to clean in one day or organize, then break it up and here are things you can do under ten minutes. This is from my own personal experience.

Things you use all the time make them assessable and easy reach for you, but not where if you have children they can get to if really young, and teach your children about cleaning and how to use the cleaning products you have and supervised.

So plan your week and on Mondays I like to go through my finances and plan my writing for the week and editing of books and vlogs and for film for my other channels, and this morning had to finish a form to send. I like to plan and go through what exercise I’d like to do each week and started meal planning again and making sure there is no waster and practice affordable living. Please check out my Youtube channel:


Here I talk about how I manage my finances. It is good to set the week up for success and build and grow as I introduce more good habits that help me stay productive and have good quiet breaks through the day and week.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X