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When you see that you no longer fearing life, and that you feel good each day and able to shake off the anxiousness, you have turned a corner and that your life is taking shape, perhaps with surprises but I feel that I am enjoying the days and feel positive no matter the challenges that come my way.

Photo by Dana Tentis on Pexels.com

Getting out and exploring has helped and having time with my son and family, along with making the most of the weekends, rather than doing nothing, has helped me be more present that has helped me get some shape in my life.

Really dig deep into what you want out of life and who you want to spend it with. Have new experiences. I want to do some more courses via Adult Community colleges to help, aswell as doing some online, and really learn about the mind and body more, to help build awareness, when it comes to happiness and wellbeing, and how our minds operate.

Yes it helps us to think and feel, but look into why we feel up and down a lot. Perhaps you feel like you are like a Yoyo. It could be food, and that leads you to feel sluggish a lot and that you want to change but your urges get the better of you, and feeling that you will always be punishing yourself over your diet, and will never change. Yet we all know deep down that we can, its often fear that other foods don’t give you the same joy.

Take each step to improve at having a better diet and allow yourself chocolate but work for it. I will if I have done all I needed to do in the morning for example will then make a coffee, or a treat and not talking just food, but like you would when you child does something good. I stop with the guilt, and as long as I get some exercise will have a treat or two, along with saving myself for my dinner and having a mixture of meals.

I have realised that I enjoy buying food and love mouching around the big stores but also budget, and making different meals. I do like cooking whilst listening to music or an audio book and found my real joys and using it to be happy each day. I also like it when I don’t need to cook, and help with the washing up. like as I write this blog had a lovely roast dinner, made by my husband and today took Henry up London as it was his birthday on Saturday and doing different things and experiences can help.

So make each day count and when you are no longer feel stressed, feel good and that days aren’t hard, and you enjoy life more, means your life is taking shape.

Many thanks for reading.

Carrie X